I saw a woman today that I have seen around. I have done the pleasantries of "hello, nice day" that kind of thing but do not know her at all. I noticed her in the parking lot and waved just to be nice. I do see her almost everyday since we go to the same place.
I noticed that she had what looked like a...
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Its been a roller coaster week so far. From a great sunday and getting new ink to the passing of a friend.

I love my new ink and its about done peeling finally. Aquaphor is the best to keep color but it does take longer to get to the peel stage.

Going tomorrow to see when I can get in to get the next tattoo....
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thx for words of encouragement
Sounds like a hectic week frown My dog is the same she is HUGE and she gets on my bed if I don't get up to walk her