Heyyy. I suppose you've noticed my name change...
This has been my name other places for years. (Except AOL, b/c some other cool person took it already. Cheers to ya, mate!) It's a phrase from a MLwtTKK song. Anywhom...
When I was putting in my 1st alias I just made up whatever cuz I didn't even know if i'd hang out here or not yet. I don't feel it was a good representative of me. A tad too teenybop perhaps. i usually write it inside a syrings, like so:
Awwww- my mama must be sooo proud.
This has been my name other places for years. (Except AOL, b/c some other cool person took it already. Cheers to ya, mate!) It's a phrase from a MLwtTKK song. Anywhom...
When I was putting in my 1st alias I just made up whatever cuz I didn't even know if i'd hang out here or not yet. I don't feel it was a good representative of me. A tad too teenybop perhaps. i usually write it inside a syrings, like so:
Awwww- my mama must be sooo proud.
I was planning on going to the Kittie show and I'd like to see you, it's been awhile. I'll hook ya up with a round trip bus ticket from Ashland to Columbus. Driving to Ashland and back twice would be six hundred miles total! Let me know if ya want the ticket and I'll pay for it up here and you can pick it up there.
let me know if you have tuesday off in the next few days and i'll get it in for ya.