Well- I gave my two-weeks notice at Hell's Deli. Looonnnggg over due.
The fire under my ass, so to speak, was working that SAME new bitch's shift- because she hadn't come back from her fucking vacation yet. The vacation, if you remember, she took after her one week of work. I worked- on the damn 4th, instead of going to see jOAN jETT with punknitemike, mind you, ALL DAY with NO break... I asked for one- and was told by a rather sad lil fucker we'll call my manager, to "go sit down for a minute, take a drag offa cigarette or somethin'." I don't know why I didn't just fucking leave then. Oh yeah- cuz I need money. I called the main manager tthe next morning to tell him, since I could barely fucking move, and b/c it's the law and who the fuck are they anyway, so i told the main fucker that i would appreciate getting my break- since it IS the law and all. He must've went and bitched lil fucker out, cuz when I got there today he wouldn't look at me or speak to me. Wahhhh motherfucker I'll cry all night I'm sure. But rather than give him the chance to fire me I 'll just move along thanks. Besides I hate this suck-ass job, and if I can't find a better one w/in two weeks, well I'll just take that as a sign from God to become a bellydancer, or maybe a snakehandler. Or both.
Haha- Of course, I could write children's stories...
Top 13 Rejected Children's Books in 2001
1. You are different, and that's bad
2. Grandpa gets a casket
3. The magic world inside the abandoned refrigerator
4. The pop-up book of human anatomy
5. Strangers have the best candy!
6. Pop! goes the hamster, and other microwave games
7. Hammers, screwdrivers, and scissors; an I-can-do-it book
8. The little Sissy who snitched
9. Some kittens can fly
10. Curious George and the high voltage fence.
11. Things rich kids have, but you never will
12. Places where mommy and daddy hide neat things
13. Daddy drinks because you cry.
****UPDATE- still searching... It's only been 2 days, but still. I've covered lots of ground. Well, really only about five blocks, I lied. I'm not worried about it. But, a trust fund would surely soothe one's mind at times like these.
- And Honor, of course I wouldn't really be either of those... The local market is overrun w/bellydancing snakehandlers this time of year, silly.
I am going to call some people and see if anyone knows of something available. Something I won't hate, that is. I can go turn in some more resumes too. I need to get some other shiite done too, so I'll talk at yas later, kids.
The fire under my ass, so to speak, was working that SAME new bitch's shift- because she hadn't come back from her fucking vacation yet. The vacation, if you remember, she took after her one week of work. I worked- on the damn 4th, instead of going to see jOAN jETT with punknitemike, mind you, ALL DAY with NO break... I asked for one- and was told by a rather sad lil fucker we'll call my manager, to "go sit down for a minute, take a drag offa cigarette or somethin'." I don't know why I didn't just fucking leave then. Oh yeah- cuz I need money. I called the main manager tthe next morning to tell him, since I could barely fucking move, and b/c it's the law and who the fuck are they anyway, so i told the main fucker that i would appreciate getting my break- since it IS the law and all. He must've went and bitched lil fucker out, cuz when I got there today he wouldn't look at me or speak to me. Wahhhh motherfucker I'll cry all night I'm sure. But rather than give him the chance to fire me I 'll just move along thanks. Besides I hate this suck-ass job, and if I can't find a better one w/in two weeks, well I'll just take that as a sign from God to become a bellydancer, or maybe a snakehandler. Or both.
Haha- Of course, I could write children's stories...
Top 13 Rejected Children's Books in 2001
1. You are different, and that's bad
2. Grandpa gets a casket
3. The magic world inside the abandoned refrigerator
4. The pop-up book of human anatomy
5. Strangers have the best candy!
6. Pop! goes the hamster, and other microwave games
7. Hammers, screwdrivers, and scissors; an I-can-do-it book
8. The little Sissy who snitched
9. Some kittens can fly
10. Curious George and the high voltage fence.
11. Things rich kids have, but you never will
12. Places where mommy and daddy hide neat things
13. Daddy drinks because you cry.
****UPDATE- still searching... It's only been 2 days, but still. I've covered lots of ground. Well, really only about five blocks, I lied. I'm not worried about it. But, a trust fund would surely soothe one's mind at times like these.
- And Honor, of course I wouldn't really be either of those... The local market is overrun w/bellydancing snakehandlers this time of year, silly.
Of course Ill let you back in, silly. hahahahha, Id kick myself out and let myself back in if I could. Im just .. bored like that, lol. I think it sucks our grp's are sperate, I wish we could have one big huge opiate grp and be the queens of it all. MUAHAHAHAHAH!!