Hello! Thanks to all for the comments on the last post.
Yes- I do get carried away w/smilies. Often. I like 'em, damnit!

Ok- so I've decided to fully commit to getting my shite together, as far as my shop goes (yes, the long overdue to be ready-to-open shop. That one). So, despite tremendous fatigue I will forge ahead, man. I am opening this b/c I decided that selling things to other people so they can be sitting pretty and livin' large just plain sucked, so...yeah. I will post some pics as soon as I can to show off some of my rad goods. Plus I am finding suppliers for other things I want to carry. Most of the people who've contacted me so far seem top be selling things geared towards the mall-punk crowd. I dunno- some of the stuff is cool. We'll see.
The main perk- ya know, other than the fame and riches, will be having time to do things. Mainly work on my book. The radness of it will surely amaze all who are exposed. A sure cult classic. hehehe. Yeah, maybe the dudes who rode out on the Hale-Bopp comet. What were they called? The purple shrouds, mass suicide and Nikes and all that... ??? ohhh- Heaven's Gate!! Ha! I win!
I am gonna go sleep for a bit now, so I can get up at 2:30, run in circles trying to get ready to be at work at 3, cursing at all the things I can, with just enough time to walk there in the miserable heat- which will take 3 hours at least for me to stop sweating profusely from. Sexy, eh? heh. Yes... This will be one fine day. I can feel it.

Much Love,

Thanks sweetie.