yoga is kicking my ass this week...but i will get it, i hope. it just seems that my body is screaming for the cool air to envelop it but that is not happening in bikram. still, i feel like an addict now, i take classes like twice a week and i am thinking about trying to work in a weekend or two.

hey, any one...
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Ooooh! Thanks for the tip! I've never heard of transpersonal psychology, but I'm looking into it and it's interesting. Good lookin' out biggrin

I've never gotten so into yoga. I understand how people do though. I've been feelin' a little crappy lately, in general. Need to drink more VitaminWaters, maybe. Good for you, though. Keep it up!
friends of mine came up from san antonio to take me out of my funk (not that they know i am in a funk, it just coincided perfectly). lately i have been so locked in myself. my head hurts, my stomach feels punched in, and my sinuses feel clooged and throb. i know why i am sad i just can't seem to swim out of...
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Hey! How are you? R u feeling better? Come back to me! smile
Aww... glad to hear that things are going well. Nice that you have some time with your family smile I'm not sure which is worse - never being at home or always being at home. This morning, I woke up @ 10, watched two episodes of Frasier and three different kinds of Court TV. Judge Marilyn kicks so much ass! Finally got out of my apartment at two because I was getting hypoglycemic and needed a scone. Lol. I got the scone at Starbucks on my way to the internet cafe, which has great coffee, but the worst pastries in the known universe. Who is this Wilber you speak of?
tired, i have been too tired to care lately. christmas was good but without any friends around i just withdrew even deeper in to myself that day. watched a few movies and thought about mia a bunch. things between kiva and i probably won't work out with the distance between us so i should just stop trying.

new years was a blast! went out to...
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eh... I kind of hate myspace. SG is so much more interesting. How far is Austin from San Marcos? I have a couple of friends that just moved to Austin. I think you'd all get along really well biggrin In fact, you should check out Chazz and Julia's myspaces. They're both in my top eight. Chazz and I used to be in a band together, way back in the day. They're bf/gf... supercool and supersweet people. So sorry you can't be close to your puppy. You need a virtual pet! http://bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/ Feel better smile

[Edited on Jan 03, 2006 11:19AM]
San francisco was amazing, the best trip i have had in years. plus, i got me a puppy!!! a japanese chin that we named mia. she lives in san francisco with my friend but it is incentive for me to move out there just to be a part of her life. here she is: Mia girl!!!

christmas was good, too. got me the calvin and...
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Awww... yes, I'm back. Glad to see that you're doing well smile I've been alright... some things have changed, some have stayed the same. I got a new job and moved to the city. Working the front desk at a hotel downtown. I prefer it to the Starbucks gig... glad to have put that behind me (for the time being, at least). I see you got a puppy! She's sooooooooo adorable smile
san francisco, here i come!

a mini vacation to see one of my best friends and to get the fuck out of texas for a few days. let the good times do what ever good times do.
dang, it has been a while since i placed an update. well, i have been busy at work and i had surgery on my eyelid to remove two chalazions that had formed there about six months ago. now i can see better and i no longer get small bouts of pain every day.

heading out to san francisco soon to see my friend out there....
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boo hoo...i am sick and i can't do anything for this festive day.

It was a good day to begin with. Work went well and I got out of there a few moments early just to get home and shower. I packed up my stuff and began my trek north to the capital of tey-has. Just as I was passing through buda I realized that I went and left my ticket at home. The dilemma was starting...
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metric, atmosphere, broken social scene, digable planets, ladytron, rev. horton heat...ALL OUT TODAY!!! how can a person stay sane when all there money goes to entertain themselves??? next week danger doom and new depressed mode. the album i am wating for? ennio morricone's crime and dissonance on ipecac. i know that it isn't new stuff but it will be nice to have it. will mike...
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this week has been busy, boring and bunk. the highlight was meeting neil gaiman and hearing him read from his new book. as with all of his books, well worth the read. also in geek news: serenity opens up nationwide and i am so going to be in the theater (esp the alamodraft house since they know how to treat a movie goer). plus, neil...
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omg! Neil Gaiman! Lucky duck.

Shadowplay is really good so far. To be honest I just bought it for the Ash Wood art, but the stories seem pretty fresh (for vampire stories, that is).
Today was fun, a good day indeed. In fact, I am just getting home after dropping my friend off.

Went up to Austin to shop for new books and vinyl and cds. Half price books was having a 20% sale on everything in the their stores so I hit up about two of them and got this:

(On vinyl):
Mahlers Ninth Symphony
Tears for Fears...
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