Didn't cycle today, but I get to go to Agent Provecteur to buy some undies later, infact in about 10 mins, but alas the nice panties will not be for me, I am getting them for my dad's friend's wife.. sounds dodgy, but I assure you it isn't. I suggested underwear rather than a bottle of bubbly, which she would end up sharing, ok she is 50, but what woman wouldn't appreciate nice knickers from AP?
Work is quiet and that suits me, got some more hotos from Yuri, but I can't decide to put them on my website, I might just chop and change the snaps around every two months to keep the site fresh. Also if I leave some boxes Reserved for future images, then people will know that I am always adding...

Thanks, sorry you are getting the weirdos, you coming out on Friday?
Hi Fordy Welcome to SGUK - I loved the site pictures, they looked like they were fun to do
You should try out the meet I went to my first a couple of w/e ago & I had fun - great bunch of crazies.