Arrrgh, that was truly soul destroying, Speed dating, no guys that I liked, went too quick to get a good judgement of guys and guess what I think I scared a few of them. I am not scared of much, hell I walked on fire and fly, will pick up spiders and snakes, but I guess it is just because I haven't found anything that I am scared of, injections I hate, but I don't fear them... Any how, these guys were all bankers, in suits, which is not me at all! Not one other girl was in jeans, they where all tarted up.. what do I do wrong. I haven't ticked anybody!

How could a beautiful woman such as yourself scare anybody?
I'm with you on the injections...i hate em too.
Not scared of them, just hate them.
You are much much better off without them.
You didn't do anything wrong. Most people are just too stupid and brainwashed to not realize a good thing when they see it.
I read about the speed dating thing. I thought I would get kind of the same thing you just described so I didn't give it much more thought after that.
Keep your chin up and It'll work itself out.