Well, inspired by the truly wonderful ickletitch I decided to write this.
Erm, I get a bit reluctant to write regularly as I want to avoid the Twitter thing of "I had X,Y and Z for breakfast", yet maybe a little update is due.
The training is now a thing of the past thank goodness although for a while I did keep having flashbacks, my boss thinks I might have post-traumatic stress! I think my week away just took the edge off the impact that it has had on me, seriously chaps never consider two years of a masters in 10 months, well, consider it if you are masochistic!
I'm in my base 5 days a week now and I see 5 people per day, I work at a high intensity level which means I see people who have very complex issues and often they have been endured for a very long time i.e. 20 years.
Funny thing is the more complex the problem(s) the more I enjoy it and as I've said before after working for myself for all those years working in an organisation is a breeze!
My commute is a little heavy on me 150 miles per day, my little Smart car has done 30,000 miles in a year, but I'm so sure the area we want to move to will benefit us big time, the vibe is a lot calmer than I'm use to, it's close to the sea and the houses are much more affordable. Just please somebody buy my current crib so I can move.
What else, I had the idea the other day that I badly wanted/needed to be in a band again, I miss being on stage (man) and for me nothing comes close to the feeling of really going for it and being part of a live experience.
So I had a look and around and yep, an 8 piece original funk band wanted a keyboard player!
Make a long story short, I've joined this band........
I've always loved funky music since I was a little kid, we have done 2 gigs so for and one more on Friday.
We sound pretty good even if say so myself, I'm hoping to get in on the writing front and there is a small version of the band that are going to gig as a blues group and I'll be part of that too.
Here's a video of the band, the old keys player is on the video..
The two gigs were killer and the guys can really play! Man, do I get hot on stage though, phew!
All of this though has brought up thoughts and feelings about Vitamin F, VF is the band (duo, whatever) I formed with Chris in 2003.
After only 8 months of knowing each other we somehow ended up in Los Angeles for a month recording our stuff, it was a total total insane experience and I think we thought we were bound for international notoriety.
Ha, nearly 7 years later we are about as notorious as the bingo caller downtown.
We have to own up I feel and admit that we could have done more to self-promote, however, we do feel that our progress has been blocked, hindered etc by some spiritual fucking darkness that just does not want out sound to reach the ears of others.
Here's a little sample of VF (sorry if you already seen these)
If VF did somehow go by the wayside I would be truly traumatised, I feel so strongly that our songs have so much to give and the new stuff we have written is off the hook!
We have a meeting on Monday to devise a masterplan revamp our website etc, so I'm hoping that we will overcome the things that might wanna write us off.
Speaking of websites, I should be uploading at least one connected to all that I do hopefully in the next two weeks.
Wow, anybody still reading this????
Can I say hello to my new friends on here..Abrielle, floral_fancy ,jessizzle, scribbler and pomegranate. (Woah, I just realised they're all girls!!!! How bizarre!)
Not to forget all my shit hot mates on here of course! Give some love to little_em if you get sec, hard times, hard times sadly.
Right that's fucking it! See you later!
p.s. This set
by Sharyn is the dogs man!
Erm, I get a bit reluctant to write regularly as I want to avoid the Twitter thing of "I had X,Y and Z for breakfast", yet maybe a little update is due.
The training is now a thing of the past thank goodness although for a while I did keep having flashbacks, my boss thinks I might have post-traumatic stress! I think my week away just took the edge off the impact that it has had on me, seriously chaps never consider two years of a masters in 10 months, well, consider it if you are masochistic!
I'm in my base 5 days a week now and I see 5 people per day, I work at a high intensity level which means I see people who have very complex issues and often they have been endured for a very long time i.e. 20 years.
Funny thing is the more complex the problem(s) the more I enjoy it and as I've said before after working for myself for all those years working in an organisation is a breeze!
My commute is a little heavy on me 150 miles per day, my little Smart car has done 30,000 miles in a year, but I'm so sure the area we want to move to will benefit us big time, the vibe is a lot calmer than I'm use to, it's close to the sea and the houses are much more affordable. Just please somebody buy my current crib so I can move.
What else, I had the idea the other day that I badly wanted/needed to be in a band again, I miss being on stage (man) and for me nothing comes close to the feeling of really going for it and being part of a live experience.
So I had a look and around and yep, an 8 piece original funk band wanted a keyboard player!
Make a long story short, I've joined this band........
I've always loved funky music since I was a little kid, we have done 2 gigs so for and one more on Friday.
We sound pretty good even if say so myself, I'm hoping to get in on the writing front and there is a small version of the band that are going to gig as a blues group and I'll be part of that too.
Here's a video of the band, the old keys player is on the video..
The two gigs were killer and the guys can really play! Man, do I get hot on stage though, phew!
All of this though has brought up thoughts and feelings about Vitamin F, VF is the band (duo, whatever) I formed with Chris in 2003.
After only 8 months of knowing each other we somehow ended up in Los Angeles for a month recording our stuff, it was a total total insane experience and I think we thought we were bound for international notoriety.
Ha, nearly 7 years later we are about as notorious as the bingo caller downtown.
We have to own up I feel and admit that we could have done more to self-promote, however, we do feel that our progress has been blocked, hindered etc by some spiritual fucking darkness that just does not want out sound to reach the ears of others.
Here's a little sample of VF (sorry if you already seen these)
If VF did somehow go by the wayside I would be truly traumatised, I feel so strongly that our songs have so much to give and the new stuff we have written is off the hook!
We have a meeting on Monday to devise a masterplan revamp our website etc, so I'm hoping that we will overcome the things that might wanna write us off.
Speaking of websites, I should be uploading at least one connected to all that I do hopefully in the next two weeks.
Wow, anybody still reading this????
Can I say hello to my new friends on here..Abrielle, floral_fancy ,jessizzle, scribbler and pomegranate. (Woah, I just realised they're all girls!!!! How bizarre!)
Not to forget all my shit hot mates on here of course! Give some love to little_em if you get sec, hard times, hard times sadly.
Right that's fucking it! See you later!
p.s. This set
by Sharyn is the dogs man!
I know, I know.. 
