I think I became a fan of R.D. Laing in about 2003.
This was after being lectured by a very insprational person.
Since reading more and more of his thoughts, I came upon a book he wrote called Knots, called so after the Knots we get ourselves in.
The opening page reads ..............
"They are playing a game, they are playing at not playing a game, if I show them I see the game I shall break the rules and they will punish me. I must play their game of not seeing I see the game."
This blew my mind when I read it for the first time long ago and it still does, so much so that I am on the very verge of having it tattooed on me.
To me it just seems to encapsulate the little ways that people collude with each other and keep out any external influences and more than anything it highlights the ways that people maintain little cycles even when they are not helpful!
It's been another frustrating day and these words have been echoing around my head all day!
I feel so pissed 'cos It seems to me that I was/am one of those people who is not scared to speak out and say the things others can't/won't/don't.
The only thing about this is that rather than being recieved as a person who just wants to enable, I feel that people withdraw into their turtle shells and find ways to dis-able my positive energies!
Hence, "They are playing a game..........."
I really am so sorry for negative blogging, I wish you'd had a 3D experinence of me so you could know that I am a total live wire who is inantely optimistic!
Ah well, guess I'll save that for tommorow!
Love, FF.
p.s. Gym was good this morning (7 a.m.)
p.p.s. Cell phone still not fixed !
This was after being lectured by a very insprational person.
Since reading more and more of his thoughts, I came upon a book he wrote called Knots, called so after the Knots we get ourselves in.
The opening page reads ..............
"They are playing a game, they are playing at not playing a game, if I show them I see the game I shall break the rules and they will punish me. I must play their game of not seeing I see the game."
This blew my mind when I read it for the first time long ago and it still does, so much so that I am on the very verge of having it tattooed on me.
To me it just seems to encapsulate the little ways that people collude with each other and keep out any external influences and more than anything it highlights the ways that people maintain little cycles even when they are not helpful!
It's been another frustrating day and these words have been echoing around my head all day!
I feel so pissed 'cos It seems to me that I was/am one of those people who is not scared to speak out and say the things others can't/won't/don't.
The only thing about this is that rather than being recieved as a person who just wants to enable, I feel that people withdraw into their turtle shells and find ways to dis-able my positive energies!
Hence, "They are playing a game..........."
I really am so sorry for negative blogging, I wish you'd had a 3D experinence of me so you could know that I am a total live wire who is inantely optimistic!
Ah well, guess I'll save that for tommorow!
Love, FF.
p.s. Gym was good this morning (7 a.m.)
p.p.s. Cell phone still not fixed !
Thank you
Hello new friend!

Was I missed??