Well, I feel fucking excellent! I feel inspired, upbeat and generally very fucking OK. Times like this are always a reminder that down times will end (for me) and that it's how I roll with them that is the "answer".
I was in the gym at 7 a.m. this morning and I think that always helps, it makes me feel invigorated, 20 mins on the rower and 20 mins on the treadmil no lessl! I thought you'd be impressed!
Amazing set on the front page by roane, phew, I mean phew! Talk about PSFB, my breathing went all erratic and also the wonderful miro redefines cutennes and sensuality!
I feel so expressive at the moment, ( I know I should be sat at my Piano composing then not writing this, ah well) thoughts about things I want to do and changes I want to make to myself etc. I know from my training that these "peak experiences" are to be savoured and that they are a real sign that one is quite harmonised and unified. I really get a lot from being on here and I am encouraged and inspired by the creativity and the artistic work that people display. I wish I'd have gone to the Tattoo convention in London and caught the SG stand, bugger, I just didn't put it all together and realise what was gonna be happening, maybe next year.
I was chuffed to recieve some kind words on my previous boxer short presentation and I feel more additions to my collection coming on.....any suggestions?
I wanna ask for you comments, feedback and input on 'Suit' my self shot "set" (coughs) , some people have been really kind and I would like to take in some more honest thoughts.
For your info, the set was quite rushed and I am a total novice photographer, I had been thinking that I would like to express myself like that for a while and I just went for it, if nothing else it really made me realise how hard these things actually are! I was gonna put it up in Suicide boys although I didn't take enough shots and then I got all insecure about the quality of it, if you know what I mean!
So, lay it on me, if you can be arsed to let me know I'd be really grateful
Also, and finally please watch my videos and see what you think, even if you don't like the music/lyrics you might like some of the shooting paticularly in "Don't take me down".
Right, thats thats then.
See you later, have a great one!
I was in the gym at 7 a.m. this morning and I think that always helps, it makes me feel invigorated, 20 mins on the rower and 20 mins on the treadmil no lessl! I thought you'd be impressed!
Amazing set on the front page by roane, phew, I mean phew! Talk about PSFB, my breathing went all erratic and also the wonderful miro redefines cutennes and sensuality!
I feel so expressive at the moment, ( I know I should be sat at my Piano composing then not writing this, ah well) thoughts about things I want to do and changes I want to make to myself etc. I know from my training that these "peak experiences" are to be savoured and that they are a real sign that one is quite harmonised and unified. I really get a lot from being on here and I am encouraged and inspired by the creativity and the artistic work that people display. I wish I'd have gone to the Tattoo convention in London and caught the SG stand, bugger, I just didn't put it all together and realise what was gonna be happening, maybe next year.
I was chuffed to recieve some kind words on my previous boxer short presentation and I feel more additions to my collection coming on.....any suggestions?
I wanna ask for you comments, feedback and input on 'Suit' my self shot "set" (coughs) , some people have been really kind and I would like to take in some more honest thoughts.
For your info, the set was quite rushed and I am a total novice photographer, I had been thinking that I would like to express myself like that for a while and I just went for it, if nothing else it really made me realise how hard these things actually are! I was gonna put it up in Suicide boys although I didn't take enough shots and then I got all insecure about the quality of it, if you know what I mean!
So, lay it on me, if you can be arsed to let me know I'd be really grateful

Also, and finally please watch my videos and see what you think, even if you don't like the music/lyrics you might like some of the shooting paticularly in "Don't take me down".
Right, thats thats then.
See you later, have a great one!
I'm a straight up-and-down lady and it's upset me so I wanted to talk about it.
I hope you're still feeling good today