I'm so not fuckin ready to leave for Jersey today...in two hours, havn't even packed yet....still have to do laundry...I'm a procrastibator
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the hotel will have interweb,otherwise I wont be around for about three weeks.Have fun and play nice bitches!
Just want to say Hi and let u know u are on my mind today....
Hope ur day goes GREAT and everything is just FUCKIN GRADE A DANDY!!!! lol
xOxO ~ PiNkY
still gone.. i see... or...uhmm... maybe not???
ha ha ha I see u....... here is my daily "LUV YA" SPILL and warm fuzzy GOO GOO GAA GAA stuff.... sorry about yesturday and not sending nothing... i was....well....... a little sad and shit... i think i had one of these
cold ass prickles in my BUTT... but TODAY i want u to know that U are SUPACALAFRAGILISTICEXPEALIDOSHIES and
Thanks for just being u... INDIVIDUALITY FUCKIN KICKS ASS!!!!!
xOxO ~ PiNkY