I'm so not fuckin ready to leave for Jersey today...in two hours, havn't even packed yet....still have to do laundry...I'm a procrastibator surreal I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the hotel will have interweb,otherwise I wont be around for about three weeks.Have fun and play nice bitches! biggrin
hope u have a blast babes..... be careful and let me know how it goes... mmmmmmmmmmmmaky.........

Just want to say Hi and let u know u are on my mind today....
Hope ur day goes GREAT and everything is just FUCKIN GRADE A DANDY!!!! lol

xOxO ~ PiNkY miao!! kiss miao!!
still gone.. i see... or...uhmm... maybe not???

ha ha ha I see u....... here is my daily "LUV YA" SPILL and warm fuzzy GOO GOO GAA GAA stuff.... sorry about yesturday and not sending nothing... i was....well....... a little sad and shit... i think i had one of these

cold ass prickles in my BUTT... but TODAY i want u to know that U are SUPACALAFRAGILISTICEXPEALIDOSHIES and

Thanks for just being u... INDIVIDUALITY FUCKIN KICKS ASS!!!!!

xOxO ~ PiNkY miao!! mutha fuckaz miao!! kiss
yeah.... i guess the photoshop and me wont get along for a while blackeyed
SWEET..... LUV IT!!!!!

"Happiness is like a butterfly.
The more you chase it, the more it will elude you.
But if you turn your attention to other things,
it comes and softly sits on your shoulder."

kiss I've come to sit on UR shoulder...... hope u don't mind????? kiss

XOXO ~ PiNkFuCkEr miao!!

ohhhh and here have a WARM FUZZY!!!!!!
grrrrrrrr. say yes to the list DAMNIT!!!!!! hee hee hee. LOTS O WARM FUZZIES TO U BABYCAAKES!!!!! xoxo PiNkFuCkEr miao!! http://www.ebaumsworld.com/flash/strawberry.html (I like this one..... hee hee hee)
FUCK YEAH....... I KNEW THE EVIL STRAWBERRY WOULD DO IT!!!!!! hee hee...... Thanks for The APPROVAL stamp... lol.... xoxo PiNkFuCkEr miao!!
back from Detroit...just rolled in, fuckin tired as shit.Easy two days of work though, now off till Monday which is kinda nice. I dont make any money when I'm not workin but fuck it, I could use some more R&R time.Staying in Hotels all the time gets kinda old so the comforts of home arent luxurious, but definately welcome. off to sleeeep...nite all! oink
I really miss my Dwarves cd's frown

In a random act of dipshit this summer while working in Florida, I set my cd case on top of my foreman's truck so I could open the door without spilling my go-juice.Needless to say, we pulled out of the hotel parking lot with my cd case on top of the truck, they havnt been seen since. What a...
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rouuuuugh day...worked 18 hrs in Detroit then drove 3 hrs straight to court this morning then sat at the BMV for another hour and a half.Just woke up and have to leave again for Detroit at 4 a.m.. On the good side I'll be back home tomorrow night for the weekend. Glad to finally have all the legal BS taken care of so I was...
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You are totally cute.
thank you soo much for the pic you are a fabulous artist!! x x x
hangin at home, listening to some Suicide Machines, trying to keep positive thoughts for my Mom. She's not doing to well I dont think.Its hard to really tell cuz she hasnt been able to actually speak in quite a few years from the MS. She still smiles as soon as she hears my voice when I visit, and I can still get her to laugh...
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sorry to hear about your mom not doing so well.

love the pics lol
not what I'd call a stellar week in Dearborn,MI but I did have a good time. Despite losing my cell phone,debit card and getting arrested for drunk and disorderly all in the same night I definately had a blast! Plus there is a huge black hole in my memory between leaving the bar and taking a cab back to the hotel from jail,otherwise was good...
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