Come onnnn. Who wouldn't wanna see a pillow fight set??
Props to Ambrocious for the image. To see more of the Perth SG/Horrorpops meet check out her images folder.
Soooo another week almost over, and I'm no closer to wherever it is I want to be. But hey, who cares, I'm okay with my slowly dwindling time on this earth. or something?
I hear you all saying "oh so this is gonna be one of those journals" yet is alright. I'm tired and my brain hasn't got it all together at the moment. I promise you a more coherent journal entry next time okay?
Umm I want to say thanks to all of you who made saturday night such a great night. Cheers _rob_,missellie, alita,ambrocious, cherryfuck, and the man whose couch he made so readily available to me scaredofGirls, and of course Toby the wonder cat.
You guys are genuine worthwhile people, see you again soon I hope.
My sister is coming down tommorow night, I am looking forward to hanging out with her I miss her so. We are going shopping together, and I am gonna get her some bubble tea, and take her out for lunch. Should be fun.
Anyways I have a corporate morning tea to prepare for tommorow morning, so I am going to bid you all good night.
If you're reading this I *heart* you coz every member of this site, has good taste, and generally kicks ass in my book.
I don't even what to think of what happened during the drunken memory loss
:< I'm sad, why are you leaving?