Now that you understand why we call it Sunny Australia I'll get started on my journal.
Don't get me wrong I love the rain, it's been raining like this on and off since tuesday or wednesday, and I couldn't be happier. It should be doing some good for the dams too. For the unAustralian, our dams in Western Australia, have been at all time lows for the past few years, meaning water restriction, and searches for new sources of water etc, so this sort of week-long downpour is a godsend, if u believe in god.
So I got my iPod finally delivered to work friday, after the original shipment was lost or damaged or something. I

Umm only 6 days til I fly out for the UK and Germany trip, I am very excited, and very unorganised, and I just hope i remember to pack everything. Will have to see how I last a whole month without my SG fix, but I'm sure with all the touristy things to do, that I will be distracted enough to last.
Or I'll just have to slide myself into a net cafe or something, and post a quick update on my travels.
I'm going to cook me some nacho's so I leave you this question, which I asked of the most adorable SG Kiki earlier this week.
If life could be like any computer game, what would you game would you want it to be like? Attach you're answer an explanation below, if you need more paper, ask the friendly Totoro exam coordinator, and it will be provided.
Updatey Goodness:
So today while at work, I get a call from the Human Resource Manager of my local city council, wanting to discuss a HR Officer position with him. I have a degree in HR, and it was something I wanted to get into before somehow ending up on this banking graduate program I am on atm. So this position is very appealling, plus govt. jobs have great superannuation and benefits over here, the pay is comparable and perhaps better, the work is very close to home being my own council, and I will get training and experience in the role I studied for. This all the week before I leave, and then return to the new position I was supposed to start with my current employer. I'm not sure what to do, so I'm having an interview with the guy hopefully wednesday, and I'll see what he's got to offer, and I guess, go with my gut on it.
Any advice, experience, or well wishing please forward to, well me.
p.s. how hot are the SG DVD Previews, I wanna pre order NOW dammit. *excitable glee*
Keep in touch while you're away so we can travel vicariously through you, you lucky, lucky bastard! 

Aww thanks Wayde Robbie for my testimonial. How sweet!