Captain Jack Sparrow.
Yes, thats right I attempted the unattemptable, that is, trying to look as dashing as Johnny Depp, dressed as captain Jack Sparrow. Excuse the lazy eyes, u got hate blinking on the pre flash. Not half bad for a last minute effort i say.
It was for my cousins 18th "hollywood" dress up party. a very good night had by all.
Hows things with everyone?
I am driving my lady fair to the airport on tuesday, and so from then on I will be a lonely boy. I will also be house sitting for her, and so apologies if my updates become even less regular, but she isnt on line at her house, and it will only be when I stop home that I get a chance to get on here.
Hmm Looking forward to this friday, will be a busy day, I am driving to bumbury to meet the people I will be working with when I move there, then up to perth for a work related function, a graduate catch up night, which hopefully wont go for too long as I am meeting the perth SG crew for scaredofGirls, birthday like, magic dirt gathering, which I really dont wanna be late for. If your a WA sger and you're not there, hmm you should take a real hard loot at yerself.
Umm thats alll for now. updates and maybe more photos later.
pictures! pictures! pictures!