I know my last journal entry was mostly focused on the Bright Eyes gig, and to stick with the trend of show discussion, I will begin with my rant about steven wright, from saturday night, (that wasn't meant to rhyme). How one man can be that funny for 2 hours straight, with no apparent script or props, just his mind and a guitar, completely baffles me. He was great, so damn funny, and he puts so much thought into it as well. Such a smart bloke. I caught up with scaredofGirls and his sister than, and to the both of them, sorry I couldn't hang around after.
On the work front, I hopefully should be out of my current role by the end of the week, and if not I should at least have a definite on the when, where and how of it. Though it appears that there's still a push for either myself or my fellow grad "sasquatch" to take a position in albany, for the uninformed/unaustralian, thats way down south of WA, and a relatively small coastal town, and thus not extremely appealing, though the surf isn't too bad, cept the sharks.
Speaking of grads, if you're reading this by any chance Sam? Hello!!!
Hmm, I am trying to start writing again, so if i throw up some lyrics, poetry, or whatever crap, in the next few posts, please forgive and feel welcome to criticise.
I don't feel as old as I will soon be, lifes passing me by, and I'm still not sure if I'm making the most of it.
I'm so tired I was almost nodding off at work today, so I'm gonna call it a night, maybe more later.
Have a good one all.
On the work front, I hopefully should be out of my current role by the end of the week, and if not I should at least have a definite on the when, where and how of it. Though it appears that there's still a push for either myself or my fellow grad "sasquatch" to take a position in albany, for the uninformed/unaustralian, thats way down south of WA, and a relatively small coastal town, and thus not extremely appealing, though the surf isn't too bad, cept the sharks.
Speaking of grads, if you're reading this by any chance Sam? Hello!!!
Hmm, I am trying to start writing again, so if i throw up some lyrics, poetry, or whatever crap, in the next few posts, please forgive and feel welcome to criticise.
I don't feel as old as I will soon be, lifes passing me by, and I'm still not sure if I'm making the most of it.
I'm so tired I was almost nodding off at work today, so I'm gonna call it a night, maybe more later.
Have a good one all.

No. It just means that they've run all the tests they could and nothing showed up...now it's trial and error with medications. It's like human medicine....they don't always have definitive answers. That's why they call it "practicing medicine". There's never one aswer for anything and there's always exceptions to the rules.

hey, don't stress about last night. Rob and I went and road-tested the Hyde Park, and I'm not sure it's really suitable for the hooking-up. Cause it's so small, there isn't any separation between bar and bands, so chatting becomes very, very hard. We basically just played bar flys till rather late, which was fun. I am very much looking forward to becoming an crotchety old man like Rob