The west aussies will all know this site, but for the rest of you, this is the city of Perth, seen from King's Park. The weather was nice today, 39 degrees, so maybe a little to warm, but still nice, so my girlfriend, and my cousin and his girlfriend and I headed headed up to King's Park for a picnic.
Then headed into Perth for a bit of shopping. Was fun.
Friday night was also spent in Perth, shopping and having dinner, and saturday night was dinner in freo at the mexican kitchen, very nice. So a busy weekend all round.
I hope everyone had as fun, and food filled weekend as me, now back to the grind for the four day week, coz of the australia day public holiday.
Then off to melbourne on sunday, so any melbourne SG members, that wanna say hi, One week only guest appearance.
Anyway I'm off to bed coz i feel like crap, damn sore throat.
Have a great one people.
I try to be a tolerant person, but people don't always make it easy.
[Edited on Jan 30, 2005 6:04AM]
so what's the surf been doing over there, we've just had some solid swell last weekend, while i was fucking in melbourne..lol.. went to bells on the weekend, was about half a foot of onshore slop..