This was taken months ago, the day after the wedding, but I only just got given it, so go easy on me. It's snowy, kial, liam, boss, and myself.
Went and saw the Incredibles last night with my cousin and his gf, and it was really good, Loved jason lee voicing the annoying super villain kid, was a gold role for him. Friday night, i took the girl out for dinner, co Zocalo, the lovely mexican place round the corner, and got all full up on chimichanga's and cerveza, very nice.
I go to melbourne in a few weeks, very exciting, my first expences paid business trip, and I only started the job 2 months ago. Go me.
Hope you all have great weekends.
p.s. Here is a pic i took in lake cave, after the tour guide told me my camera, would'nt work with suck little light, but she underestimated the old canon ae-1.

The big and small stalactite columns you see in the centre actually suspend that table above the water, and collectively weight quite a few tonnes. quite amazing, and very very old, makes my life feel like the blink of an eye.
be my buddy in a warm place, k? I'll live vicariously through you... peel some sunburn for me.. (ewwww..)
that's an excellent idea. make me one too?