Hppy Birthday to my dad please everybody. I hope he had a good day, pity he had to work, but we had a family dinner, so it was a good night. I ended up getting him On Any Sunday, a motorbike documentary he has loved since he was a young bloke, and since he is still raising bikes now, I figured he would enjoy it, I also got him a stable table for munching on the couch, some chocolate etc the usual dad things.
I checked the waves this morning but the swell was very average, so to all those getting surf recently, I am very jealous. To get at least some exercise I went for a skateboard, and then some skimboarding with a mate, was all good except for almost running into a jetty pylon.
Tommorow my bruva is bringing his new mini bike around, so I can take it for a spin, should be fun cruising along with my knees under my chin.
Have a great one people, I'll update soon, coz this entrys average.
Update 10:48 pm (Perth time) 27 October.
Excuse any rambling but I've just come home from quiz night where I sank a few pints. I'm eating a bowl of tinned spaghetti with chunky tomato, yum. Quiz night was good tonight, coz my good old friend Tony has come to visit from london, and we started our quiz night team 'free jugs' together about 18 months ago, so its good to have him back, even if he's only hear for a month.
I was feeling like an underachiever today so I went for a kayak, and ended up paddling from my house to Penguin Island (where the penguins live), which is a few kilometres each way give or take, and I think I'll be feeling it in the morning, but hey it was nice, except the head wind on the paddle home.
Also I went for a ride on the minibike this morning, and its crazy fun, it's so small but its gets up to around 40-50kph, and it made the old ladies walking on the footpath in front of my house go wow.
Anyways I am all out of Spaghetti and apple and raspberry cordial, so I am off to bed to watch 'Laputa, Castle in the Sky'.
Goodnight, sleep tight etc.
P.s. for those who met Bilby at the last perth gathering, I am gonna get him a membership for his birthday, so keep ya eyes out for him soon, coz ya gotta love him, like pirates
I checked the waves this morning but the swell was very average, so to all those getting surf recently, I am very jealous. To get at least some exercise I went for a skateboard, and then some skimboarding with a mate, was all good except for almost running into a jetty pylon.
Tommorow my bruva is bringing his new mini bike around, so I can take it for a spin, should be fun cruising along with my knees under my chin.
Have a great one people, I'll update soon, coz this entrys average.

Update 10:48 pm (Perth time) 27 October.
Excuse any rambling but I've just come home from quiz night where I sank a few pints. I'm eating a bowl of tinned spaghetti with chunky tomato, yum. Quiz night was good tonight, coz my good old friend Tony has come to visit from london, and we started our quiz night team 'free jugs' together about 18 months ago, so its good to have him back, even if he's only hear for a month.
I was feeling like an underachiever today so I went for a kayak, and ended up paddling from my house to Penguin Island (where the penguins live), which is a few kilometres each way give or take, and I think I'll be feeling it in the morning, but hey it was nice, except the head wind on the paddle home.
Also I went for a ride on the minibike this morning, and its crazy fun, it's so small but its gets up to around 40-50kph, and it made the old ladies walking on the footpath in front of my house go wow.
Anyways I am all out of Spaghetti and apple and raspberry cordial, so I am off to bed to watch 'Laputa, Castle in the Sky'.
Goodnight, sleep tight etc.
P.s. for those who met Bilby at the last perth gathering, I am gonna get him a membership for his birthday, so keep ya eyes out for him soon, coz ya gotta love him, like pirates

Happy Birthday to your dad
Happy B-day to your dad. I wanna go to an Island of penguins.