I promised an update, and I promised bunny pictures, and I say better late than never.
Mr. Runny Babbit in his spacious pad.
Uh huh he is the cutest, and he likes lettuce. He even eats it from his little lettuce filled disco ball.
Hmm so much has happened since the last post, but at the same time so little, work has been busy, and killing me. Tommorow I compete in my first ever Kendo Western Derby, how a beginner with a few months experienced got roped into that I'll never know, but I'm gonna give it my best, learn a lot, get my butt handed to me on a platter, and I'll post results soon.
In other news, I miss her dearly, and its only been one week. But were sms'ing and we're calling and I think we're gonna be okay. We gotta be okay. It's the only option. Giving up is not an option. Cause like a certain beatle once sung "all you need is love" right?
Yeah my brain is really too tired to think of what else. I been watching some gundam, and some samurai champloo, which is actually quite cool despite how hard it tries to be cool. Umm yeah. Took my mum to see Harry Potter on tuesday night. Loved it, even if they couldn't squeeze half of the book into the 2 or so hours of movie, they gave it a go, and it turned out pretty good.
Got a few books in the mail from good old amazon, so I have much voracious reading to do while she's gone. Anyways.
I miss you all and I hope I can make it to picnic sunday to see you all, though the 2nd annual Waicon is on, and who can look a west oz anime convention in the mouth huh.
I leave you with bunny and cooly, nuzzling it up coz he loves me.
"She knows I'm right for her because I 'glomp'!"
Kendo Update.
I fought two shiai, I lost to shiai, but I gave it my best, and I did well given the experience of my opponents.
My club ended up winning the derby, with the final actually being a showdown between murdoch's A team, and Murdoch's B team, I was on Murdoch's C team.
And now for photo fun thanks to my photographer, Rhino Jimmy Olsen.
This is my scary face.
There's nothing sexier than a man in a tenugui right?
Wayde, into a battle from which he may never return.

Uh huh he is the cutest, and he likes lettuce. He even eats it from his little lettuce filled disco ball.

Hmm so much has happened since the last post, but at the same time so little, work has been busy, and killing me. Tommorow I compete in my first ever Kendo Western Derby, how a beginner with a few months experienced got roped into that I'll never know, but I'm gonna give it my best, learn a lot, get my butt handed to me on a platter, and I'll post results soon.
In other news, I miss her dearly, and its only been one week. But were sms'ing and we're calling and I think we're gonna be okay. We gotta be okay. It's the only option. Giving up is not an option. Cause like a certain beatle once sung "all you need is love" right?
Yeah my brain is really too tired to think of what else. I been watching some gundam, and some samurai champloo, which is actually quite cool despite how hard it tries to be cool. Umm yeah. Took my mum to see Harry Potter on tuesday night. Loved it, even if they couldn't squeeze half of the book into the 2 or so hours of movie, they gave it a go, and it turned out pretty good.
Got a few books in the mail from good old amazon, so I have much voracious reading to do while she's gone. Anyways.
I miss you all and I hope I can make it to picnic sunday to see you all, though the 2nd annual Waicon is on, and who can look a west oz anime convention in the mouth huh.
I leave you with bunny and cooly, nuzzling it up coz he loves me.

"She knows I'm right for her because I 'glomp'!"
Kendo Update.
I fought two shiai, I lost to shiai, but I gave it my best, and I did well given the experience of my opponents.
My club ended up winning the derby, with the final actually being a showdown between murdoch's A team, and Murdoch's B team, I was on Murdoch's C team.
And now for photo fun thanks to my photographer, Rhino Jimmy Olsen.
This is my scary face.

There's nothing sexier than a man in a tenugui right?

Wayde, into a battle from which he may never return.

Hey was good to meet you Mr Foolycooly! It'll be good to get to know you better at the next one!
However im a little intimidated by your scary face! I will keep my distance!
sorry about the short notice