As promised
and for Mr. TheDarkness
Melbourne was great, the work wasn't so, but the shopping and food was worth the trip. Got some new jeans, shirts, shorts etc; maybe there'll be a photo montage maybe there wont.
But now back to work, which aint good, coz I think I made a mistake, and I have to tell the boss. Oh dear.
Kendo tonight, will there ever be a journal entry with the mention of this lovely art?
Life is good, except the work stresses, life is going quite well, life will become a little less fun in two weeks, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
4 weeks, it seems like a lot less, and yet a lot more, so much has passed so fast, and all of it good.
I'm heading down south this weekend, to get some rest, much needed rest, and in one of those few places I can always rest, and also to spend some time with a loved one, who will soon be taking leave of me. Thankfully goodbyes will be met by sweet returns. Which I will await, while trying to get my ass in shape.
So where can you get rest? Top 2 for me are the lush green fairways of golf courses on the seaside and a little place called molloy island. Where do you like to sleep?
On that note I leave you with goats.
Nala (standing) and her brother Simba.
some crazy guy and some goats

Melbourne was great, the work wasn't so, but the shopping and food was worth the trip. Got some new jeans, shirts, shorts etc; maybe there'll be a photo montage maybe there wont.
But now back to work, which aint good, coz I think I made a mistake, and I have to tell the boss. Oh dear.
Kendo tonight, will there ever be a journal entry with the mention of this lovely art?
Life is good, except the work stresses, life is going quite well, life will become a little less fun in two weeks, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
4 weeks, it seems like a lot less, and yet a lot more, so much has passed so fast, and all of it good.
I'm heading down south this weekend, to get some rest, much needed rest, and in one of those few places I can always rest, and also to spend some time with a loved one, who will soon be taking leave of me. Thankfully goodbyes will be met by sweet returns. Which I will await, while trying to get my ass in shape.
So where can you get rest? Top 2 for me are the lush green fairways of golf courses on the seaside and a little place called molloy island. Where do you like to sleep?
On that note I leave you with goats.

Nala (standing) and her brother Simba.

some crazy guy and some goats
I was kinda awake at the time, and then I fell asleep and forgot about it until that night, when I just blurted out 'Oh my god, Wayde called today!'
Seriously, I was so touched by that... but, y'know not in a dirty way...
I think I ruined the moment...
I think I should got to bed...
If you like Penny, you'll love Ms. Mars. She's awesome.
Corpse Bride. This weekend. For sure. Have to. Yes. Can't wait.