Just copied geekologie but i thought it was cool
This is a Fallout themed Monopoly game made by German DeviantARTist Elisabeth Redel for her Fallout-loving boyfriend (whose name I couldn't find so we will call him Vault Boy). It is ultra impressive and clearly a sign of TRUE LOVE. Ooooooooor advanced radiation poisoning.
The board was printed on a 50 x 50 cm PVC plate. Every street is a location from the Fallout game. "GO" is now "G.O.A.T." and "free parking" is the "please stand by" screen.
Every card has one of the Fallout3 or Fallout New Vegas perks on it and has a really cool old playingcard image on the back.
I actually beat New Vegas last week and just started playing 3 in the past few days. I have a hard time sticking to the mission though so I keep wandering too far into DC and getting my ass handed to me by Super Mutants. Just a couple million more shots with my laser pistol and your ass is grass, Mister Mutant! That's what I say when I'm playing. Also: "dammit -- why's there no 'bang this person' dialog option?" I'm into ghouls. No, no I'm not. But you've gotta admit, the golden geckos in New Vegas weren't bad looking.
And here is the link for more fallouty goodness.
I'm doing a good character in 3. Trying to get trophies. Just cleaned out Paradise Falls now it's on to do the Wasteland Survival Guide.