Hello .
I've just put up a new website that I'm kinda giddy about. I'm now the proud inhabitant of <a href="http://www.aoifeodwyer.com/">www.aoifeodwyer.com</a>.
It's pretty much a portfolio so that I might make a better go of this whole "art" thing I have a tendency towards!
I've also set up a <a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Aoife-ODwyer/192687797426619">Facebook Page</a> so if you do happen by my site and like my creatives then I could definitely do with a bit of FB support!
Keeping on the art note I'm also working on a tattoo design for a friend of mine which I'm totally excited about because it's a pin up style design, it's not done yet but this was the latest update..

I think it's going ok, still have to finish the shading and colour obviously but considering this is the first time I've really done something like this I think it's going ok so far. I'll update with the finished design when I get it done.
Also...I'm now a bit of a gif addict. Made this...

Finished version -

I've just put up a new website that I'm kinda giddy about. I'm now the proud inhabitant of <a href="http://www.aoifeodwyer.com/">www.aoifeodwyer.com</a>.
It's pretty much a portfolio so that I might make a better go of this whole "art" thing I have a tendency towards!
I've also set up a <a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Aoife-ODwyer/192687797426619">Facebook Page</a> so if you do happen by my site and like my creatives then I could definitely do with a bit of FB support!
Keeping on the art note I'm also working on a tattoo design for a friend of mine which I'm totally excited about because it's a pin up style design, it's not done yet but this was the latest update..

I think it's going ok, still have to finish the shading and colour obviously but considering this is the first time I've really done something like this I think it's going ok so far. I'll update with the finished design when I get it done.
Also...I'm now a bit of a gif addict. Made this...

Finished version -

Wow that would make an awesome tattoo
Thank you! I hope it does, she's taking it to her tattoo artist on Friday to see what he reckons so *fingerscrossed* it comes out good.