Ok and there goes that...
I decided to come off that diet. It's just way too tough, I was all weak and fainty last week and stuff so I'm gonna just loose weight the old fashioned way. Eat less, move more. And now that my cravings for fatty shitty foods have been blunted it'll be that much easier. If I can eat no food then I can surely manage eating just good food. It gave me a good start, over a stone lost, and my mind is on the right wavelength now too so I'm looking forward to being more healthy.
Plus the summer is such a hard time to do it with all the get togethers and BBQ's and whatnot. I just can't take it. But I don't feel defeated or weak. I'm glad I stuck the 3 weeks out just to prove I could and now my bodys been rightly detoxed and I'm craving healthy foods and millions of water. So a result nonetheless. Horray.
In other news I'm now offically a First Aider. Did a First Aid course at work this week so now I know CPR and how to use an AED and the Heimlich Manoever and all sorts of other useful stuff for when bad shit happens...
And that's it really, not much goin' on I suppose....
I decided to come off that diet. It's just way too tough, I was all weak and fainty last week and stuff so I'm gonna just loose weight the old fashioned way. Eat less, move more. And now that my cravings for fatty shitty foods have been blunted it'll be that much easier. If I can eat no food then I can surely manage eating just good food. It gave me a good start, over a stone lost, and my mind is on the right wavelength now too so I'm looking forward to being more healthy.
Plus the summer is such a hard time to do it with all the get togethers and BBQ's and whatnot. I just can't take it. But I don't feel defeated or weak. I'm glad I stuck the 3 weeks out just to prove I could and now my bodys been rightly detoxed and I'm craving healthy foods and millions of water. So a result nonetheless. Horray.
In other news I'm now offically a First Aider. Did a First Aid course at work this week so now I know CPR and how to use an AED and the Heimlich Manoever and all sorts of other useful stuff for when bad shit happens...
And that's it really, not much goin' on I suppose....