I've started a new line of enquiry with my college work - it was after I was referred to the work of Nan Goldin and Cindy Sherman. I've always loved their work but hadn't realised til now how much their work links with the themes I'm playing with at the mo.
...personal space, boundaries, privacy, exposure etc. So I'm keeping a mini diary. Mostly self-portraits cause at this point I spend most of my time with me. Mind you I don't see much of myself in the photos, they're like an alter ego Aoife - a very vain one. They embarrass me when I look at them as myself but I don't mind them so much when I don't assosiate them too closely with me and who I am cause I'm not sure I want to be confronted with all that just yet...
Bleh, so I'm gonna post some pages from my sketch books seems they're taking over my life!