Hello .
I've just put up a new website that I'm kinda giddy about. I'm now the proud inhabitant of <a href="http://www.aoifeodwyer.com/">www.aoifeodwyer.com</a>.
It's pretty much a portfolio so that I might make a better go of this whole "art" thing I have a tendency towards!
I've also set up a <a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Aoife-ODwyer/192687797426619">Facebook Page</a> so if you do happen by my site and like my creatives...
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I've just put up a new website that I'm kinda giddy about. I'm now the proud inhabitant of <a href="http://www.aoifeodwyer.com/">www.aoifeodwyer.com</a>.
It's pretty much a portfolio so that I might make a better go of this whole "art" thing I have a tendency towards!
I've also set up a <a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Aoife-ODwyer/192687797426619">Facebook Page</a> so if you do happen by my site and like my creatives...
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Wow that would make an awesome tattoo
Thank you! I hope it does, she's taking it to her tattoo artist on Friday to see what he reckons so *fingerscrossed* it comes out good.
It's been a very tough week...
My lady had to put down her dog. Her name was Flossy and she was a 15 year old border collie. She was her best friend for all those years, listened to all her secrets without judgment and with complete and utter unconditional love. Unfortunately her age got the better of her and she had very advanced breast cancer...
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My lady had to put down her dog. Her name was Flossy and she was a 15 year old border collie. She was her best friend for all those years, listened to all her secrets without judgment and with complete and utter unconditional love. Unfortunately her age got the better of her and she had very advanced breast cancer...
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15 is a really good age. Sorry to hear it tho.
Adorable kitty! Reminds me of a couple of my own kitties!
Hello there.
So it's been a while but some sweet sweet awesomo anonymo gave me a 3 month membership gift! So thank you so much to you and your most generous fantasticalness! I was only thinking to myself recently that I really was starting to miss this place but I've barely enough moneys for rent these days!!
Anywho that doesn't matter today on this...
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Hello there.
So it's been a while but some sweet sweet awesomo anonymo gave me a 3 month membership gift! So thank you so much to you and your most generous fantasticalness! I was only thinking to myself recently that I really was starting to miss this place but I've barely enough moneys for rent these days!!
Anywho that doesn't matter today on this...
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