1998 Clerks the Comic Book in-store signing at the original Golden Apple on Melrose. With the mighty @thatkevinsmith and the legendary Gilbert Hernandez (Love & Rockets). This was my first time ever visiting LA. I got picked up from the airport and went straight to the store and was shocked to see that there was a line of people wrapped around the block to get their books signed. We signed all day and there was still a huge line so Bill Liebowitz (RIP) thought it would be a good idea if Kevin and I just went onto the sidewalk and signed everyone's books. It was a mad scene, man! Afterwards Bob Schreck and I went back to Kevin's hotel room to eat some delicious turkey sandwiches. There was a knock on the door. Chris Rock walked in to go over the script for 'Dogma' with Kevin. Schreck and I took a car to the airport and hopped on a plane for San Jose to attend the A.P.E. con. These were exciting days. A surreal begining of sorts. I'm still as pumped about making work as I was then. The hustle never ends...
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