I have been having some really weird dreams and i was wondering if anyone knew anything about really weird dreams
okay so im uber tired, i want to go to bed, but im not cuz i have a million thngs to do. My mom came home today from Kuwait and im really glad that she is home safe, i wish that i had more time to spend with her but i have to be really good at my job right now, luckly im off this weekend and it's all about my mom.
Holy shit am i out of shape, but im getting there, ive lost like 15 pounds over the last few weeks, I cut out dairy and have been running like hell, I finnally getting where i want to be physically
I have been having some really weird dreams like i said befoer, and im really liking all the new set from the sgs and the hopefuls, keep it up
peace and love
okay so im uber tired, i want to go to bed, but im not cuz i have a million thngs to do. My mom came home today from Kuwait and im really glad that she is home safe, i wish that i had more time to spend with her but i have to be really good at my job right now, luckly im off this weekend and it's all about my mom.
Holy shit am i out of shape, but im getting there, ive lost like 15 pounds over the last few weeks, I cut out dairy and have been running like hell, I finnally getting where i want to be physically
I have been having some really weird dreams like i said befoer, and im really liking all the new set from the sgs and the hopefuls, keep it up
peace and love