Okay, so it snowed for like two days, which is cool because it was a pretty snow and only about and inch and a half fell with no ice. I got mad at my roommate because he didn't help me clear off the driveway. All he seems to do is sit on his ass. He just got a new girlfriend, and you would think he would clean up the house for her, but she is just as bad as he is. So now I get even more upset when I spend all my free time cleaning my house, and those two fuck it up. Dammit.
However, on a lighter note, I got to spend three great days off with my mom. As some of you know she is being deployed to Kuwait for one year. I going to miss her alot, but she is a strong woman, and I have to be a strong son. I am so happy that I got to spend all this time with her. Not just her, but the whole family as well. I forget sometimes how much I really do love having them in my life.
I have gotten some great responses on my next tattoo, now just to decide where to put it. I am really excited about it, I can't wait.
Hooray for Obama! Hooray for the Steelers!!!
Much love and peace to you all

However, on a lighter note, I got to spend three great days off with my mom. As some of you know she is being deployed to Kuwait for one year. I going to miss her alot, but she is a strong woman, and I have to be a strong son. I am so happy that I got to spend all this time with her. Not just her, but the whole family as well. I forget sometimes how much I really do love having them in my life.
I have gotten some great responses on my next tattoo, now just to decide where to put it. I am really excited about it, I can't wait.
Hooray for Obama! Hooray for the Steelers!!!
Much love and peace to you all

And sorry to hear about your lazy roommate and his lazy girl. some people, eh?!