IS TOTALLY GETTING MARRIED!!!! IT'S THE TITS, and by that i mean awesome
Well there was no racketball today, but my house is a mess and I need to clean,
much love and kisses
much love and kisses
tommorow will play racketball, tommorow will get hurt playing racketball, will hate racketball
I hope everyone has a great tommorow
I hope everyone has a great tommorow
i hope you reallt dont get hurt. unless you have some one to take care of you 

So it's monday again and I am up early once more. It has been 29 days, or 4 weeks and a day since I have had a cigerette. The gums and the patches never really worked for me so I just went cold turkey and I have lasted 4 weeks and a day. I was pretty sure that the week i was going to kill...
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Good job on holding off on the cigerettes! I am so proud of you! keep it up!
sometimes being on your own is the best move you can make
sometimes being on your own is the best move you can make

Cheese and Crackers it will not stop raining here, Im starting to think that i fell asleep in penn and woke up in seattle. It was cool for the first few days now its out of control, and miserable, rain only gives the renewal feeling for two days tops
I did some work on my status finally,
I did some work on my status finally,
So I have been doing this band thing for a long time now and the more that I try to please everyone and compromise my own song (personally pisses me off more than anything), the more I start to think that this isnt fun anymore. I am the only one who knows its going to be hard work, but its supposed to be fun too....
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I now Twit,
I have been having some really weird dreams and i was wondering if anyone knew anything about really weird dreams
okay so im uber tired, i want to go to bed, but im not cuz i have a million thngs to do. My mom came home today from Kuwait and im really glad that she is home safe, i wish that i had more time...
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okay so im uber tired, i want to go to bed, but im not cuz i have a million thngs to do. My mom came home today from Kuwait and im really glad that she is home safe, i wish that i had more time...
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SO TIRED, i hate working the weekends now, They have me doing more work and not paying me more. SO it sucks, I dont really have much to say i just need to say something new, so yeah

That sucks!
mmmm... sexy guitar...... i want!
cheers for the nice comment you left on my set! you're a diamond!

cheers for the nice comment you left on my set! you're a diamond!

Thank you for the nice words!
wish you a beautiful day

wish you a beautiful day