So, the place where I have been composing the original blog entries for the past while, Yahoo! 360, is pulling the plug on itself. This annoys me, because I had had that setup figured out, and now I have to shift my thinking around.
Honestly, it's not the first time. It'll likely not be the last. And it reminds me that I probably had ought to post these notes in at least one other place.
Moving on.
The past week went pretty well. I handed back the first major writing assignment to my five-hour Friday freshman fun-fest (yes, I like alliteration), and while none have yet complained, I am expecting a horde of angry emails in the next couple of days. Aside from that, though, my classes have been going well. Teaching so much is a bit tiring, and I am aware of the potential for failing to get done the other stuff I need to get done, but because I am aware of it, I am able to fight against it in some small way.
I am working on the prospectus...if slowly.
Non-work things also go well. Sonya and I are slowly getting our apartment established as a home rather than a flop-house and storage bin. This past week, I installed a ceiling fan and an air conditioner; the apartment is much nicer and more habitable now. If our damned landlord and his asshole contractor could get the stuff taken care of that we've asked--repeatedly--about, things would be pretty nice.
I have my doubts on that score, however.
Overall, though, Brooklyn is treating me pretty decently well. I have no complaints about the place itself...though some of the people are beginning to piss me off.
That's true of most places, though.
Honestly, it's not the first time. It'll likely not be the last. And it reminds me that I probably had ought to post these notes in at least one other place.
Moving on.
The past week went pretty well. I handed back the first major writing assignment to my five-hour Friday freshman fun-fest (yes, I like alliteration), and while none have yet complained, I am expecting a horde of angry emails in the next couple of days. Aside from that, though, my classes have been going well. Teaching so much is a bit tiring, and I am aware of the potential for failing to get done the other stuff I need to get done, but because I am aware of it, I am able to fight against it in some small way.
I am working on the prospectus...if slowly.
Non-work things also go well. Sonya and I are slowly getting our apartment established as a home rather than a flop-house and storage bin. This past week, I installed a ceiling fan and an air conditioner; the apartment is much nicer and more habitable now. If our damned landlord and his asshole contractor could get the stuff taken care of that we've asked--repeatedly--about, things would be pretty nice.
I have my doubts on that score, however.
Overall, though, Brooklyn is treating me pretty decently well. I have no complaints about the place itself...though some of the people are beginning to piss me off.
That's true of most places, though.