Be advised, the US House of Representatives has made a move toward restricting the Internet, and given the proclivities of the aging, power-hungry, hyper-orthodox politicians, comprising as they do the worst part of humanity, this site and most of what we love about the Internet will be subjected to monopolistic regulation by the uber-conservative telecom companies. Go to Save the Internet for more information; I think I got the url correct on this, though I am not sure.
I am feverently anti-censorship. This motion of the Congress is a strike against that, a strike in favor of the restriction of free speech and discourse, and one more nail in the coffin of free thought. Things like this tempt me to throw my support to organizations meant to dismantle the idiotic political system under which we operate.
Things like this, things that make me seethe and prompt the red haze to descend across my vision and facilitate my laying about me with blade and bludgeon and bathe in the blood of the bastards who offend me, are why I don't watch the news. I want to do things to foil the idiocy around me, and then the idiots overrun me by the weight of numbers, and I fester in fetid anger, unable to fix the foul-ups around me.
My apologies for the rant. Still, it chaps my ass.
I can only hope that eventually, someday, someone who has an actual sense of ethics will be in power, and someone fit to govern will have the governance. But it's not overly likely.
I'm going to go finish my laundry now.
I am feverently anti-censorship. This motion of the Congress is a strike against that, a strike in favor of the restriction of free speech and discourse, and one more nail in the coffin of free thought. Things like this tempt me to throw my support to organizations meant to dismantle the idiotic political system under which we operate.
Things like this, things that make me seethe and prompt the red haze to descend across my vision and facilitate my laying about me with blade and bludgeon and bathe in the blood of the bastards who offend me, are why I don't watch the news. I want to do things to foil the idiocy around me, and then the idiots overrun me by the weight of numbers, and I fester in fetid anger, unable to fix the foul-ups around me.
My apologies for the rant. Still, it chaps my ass.
I can only hope that eventually, someday, someone who has an actual sense of ethics will be in power, and someone fit to govern will have the governance. But it's not overly likely.
I'm going to go finish my laundry now.