hot damn. 93% overall grade in math.

also.. no homework this weekend. Now to figure out something to do for halloween/saturday night. I was counting on being broke and swamped with homework so hadn't really made plans but if I luck out on a value village visit tomorrow, i should be able to throw together a costume based on the clothes i brought with me...
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You're the second person to mention Dog Soldiers...
I've never seen it!
Yeah, I'm in the Horror group but rarely take part in it because there's SO much elitism, and it's silly wink

Maybe I'll check that movie out
Ow. Harsh.

while bored tonight.. I ventured into SG chat.. I think I was in there 10 minutes trying to figure out why it kept dc'ing and was blocked by someone?

didn't say a word to them (or anyone since it kept disconnecting me).. what the hell people? what the hell?
I'm glad to read that you're feeling better.

...and I figured that there was a reason I stayed away from SG chat, haha. Are you thinking about trying again?

Yeah, those are pretty good reasons to stay away.
been sick off and on since the weekend.. started friday night as a slight cough and sore throat.. turned into almost passing out in the middle of class monday night.. i missed tuesday and today.. math test tomorrow..

the math test on monday was the only reason i ended up going in.. we weren't given much direction on how much work/etc. to show and it...
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I hope that you feel better soon, good sir.
feel better broski!



**incoming school rant**

So we started our math unit today. On Friday before the long weekend, we had the first 2 chapters in our math book assigned to us as homework. This sounded very worrisome until I opened the book and saw chapter 1 was basic adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing whole numbers. I skimmed through and basically skipped it...
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Wow...I think that would make me want to punch babies
Had a good day today.

Had to do a presentation to the whole school (all of 20 people or so) this afternoon. I did it on the myth vs reality of wind energy. haven't gotten my mark yet but it sounded like i did quite well. considering we haven't started anything really relating to wind energy yet content itself isn't being graded too heavily.
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It was nice to see you today, good sir! biggrin
I'm back thanks to a gift from a mystery person. biggrin I've been here in the past but had to cancel my subscription about a year ago. Ive missed you guys and girls.

flyonwall = me. sadly, no luck on figuring out the old password. I tried all my normal ones and no such luck so it must have been random gibberish. *grumble grumble*
Welcome back!
thanks for an anonymous person, I'm back for a few months! smile thanks to whoever you are.