so.. i was just setting a status message on msn.. and the word i was trying to find eluded me..

so i hopped on over to rhymezone.com and looked up the antonynom.. to find they had none listed..

there doesn't seem to be a single word describing the opposite of nocturnal.. apparently being awake and active during the day is such a part of our...
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Do you not remember my crazy fascination over this from like... say... 6 years ago-ish?

When I couldn't find out what it meant, I went around calling it "urnal-urnal" becuase the urnal part means day.. and the noct part means night.

I think it was the FBI that told me Urnal-Urnal sounded like some kinda superhero or something... and then I went on making up storie about "The Adventures of Urnal-Urnal"

This is still all so very prominent in my mind, that I was completely shocked that you didn't know the word in the first place ;p eeek
i've now failed my first quiz this year.. that didn't take long.. (except, counting all classes, this is the fifth or sixth one we've had already) i'm staring 2 pages of circuits without many answers.. i spent more than 4 hours searching my book, the text book, the power point stuff online, the internet in general and it looks like i'm getting 3 out of...
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so.. as much as i hated my job.. this week it's about on par stress wise without a normal paycheck.. after paying rent.. if i'm not paid back the money i've been owed from somewhere since last weekend (when i was supposed to get it back i thought) i'll have $20 bucks to my name, plus whatever cash i can find around that doesn't dip...
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I hear you about $$$. I'm waiting on OSAP and stuff myself.

Thanks for thinking about me. Haha I am SO creeped out. No seriously though, thanks. I'll try and check that out one of these days.

I want a chin-up bar.
so.. i am now free of the phone monkey farm.. forever.. i do believe i'll take starvation before call center work again..

that part in shawshank redemption came to the back of my mind as i was being walked out about being institutionalized.. there was a momentary flicker of panic as i took my phone monkey access card (swipe card) out of my wallet where...
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Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay there is life beyond that cubicle and headset!
oh and its a good one.
congrats on your luscious freedom.
my last day at a call center involved being escorted out by two security, which was completly unnecessary since i would have ran out skipping smiling singing on my own anyhow. smile smile
Congrats and enjoy!
so.. i have three days left at teletech.

it's really starting to sink in.. and make me very happy to be free of it all.

and very very nervous about fucking things up..

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

with a wrong decision again.

i'm sure everything will be fine.
or at least just keep telling yourself that.
where the hell has my head gone the last few days/weeks/months..

i've been getting slowly more and more high strung over money.. it's only money after all.. it's a stupid movie-ish cliche (which i actually saw the scene on tv friday night i think it was while channel surfing).. you can always make more money.. time/opportunities are a one shot deal..

i've been really wanting...
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"Everything went from bad to worse, but money never changed a thing...
So go on, boys, and play your hands, life is a pantomime,
The ringleaders from the county seat say you don't have all that much time." -BD
a lover of ibts has gotta be a friend of mine smile
so.. my best friend from high school is now married... his bachelor party a couple of weeks ago was a good time.. just some of the guys (one of whom i had only briefly met once before).. nothing too wild and crazy and trevor isn't much of a bar partying kind of guy.. went to a couple places.. played some pool.. i showed off my...
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well you can just google it
but it's this free card that scotia bank has now put out.
you just fill out the form online and collect 100 points everytime you see a movie and you get 10% off any food you buy at the Cineplex theater and you get 250 points when you start.
1000 points gives you either a free movie or a free popcorn combo.

everyone should have one of these cards.
holy blog spam batman!

things currently making me happy - good movies (this is a constant but.. it goes on the list), inari, my basement is the coolest part of the house (i win!), the fact i'm keeping up with the working out and such..

things making me not happy - work.. the sweat that rolls down my back when i go upstairs, knowing i...
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movies make me happy too.
do you have a Scene Card?
I just got mine and it's awesome. I just got the points card since i didn't want a Scotia Bank account and i'm very bad with Visas.
I think my favourite part about it is the 10% off food.
wow.. what a shitastic day.. i was in such a good mood this morning and in less than hour at work i wanted nothing more to hit something.. very hard.. with some other hard object.. my monitor seemed like a handy target as i could project callers into that as i smashed it in.. i was this close *holds fingers close together* to just saying...
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*lets out an enormous sigh of relief*

got an email today saying i was approved for OSAP.. so i won't have to subsist only on ramen starting in the fall..

I bartended on saturday night.. I had forgotten how much fun it can be in a real bar (the production bar at my friend's stag and doe didn't really count that much) I still make...
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well.. so much for fun hair.. (again).. with my friends wedding approaching soon.. i busted out the clippers and the #1 guard last night.. i'm pretty sure he wouldn't care what my hair looks like.. but i'm equally sure his girlfriend and parents really wouldn't care for a bi-hawk in the photos (i'm a groomsmen? groom's man? whatever.. i'm in the wedding party.. i get...
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YES! Thank you. smile
<so i'm back to the space monkey haircut.. just like a monkey ready to be shot into outer space..>
Whenever I would shave my ex's head I would give it a good slap whilst delivering this line.
You just gotta.

Squeak has a pole... and she damn well knows how to use it. The girl is like an award winning pole dancer.
i feel in a really good assertive mood right now. I have no idea why. I just wanted to note this here as it feels i only ever seem to bitch and complain or ramble incoherent (and often drunkenly) in this blog.

Random kick ass things right now.
I'm wearing my favourite pants.. and a new t-shirt which is it's on it's way to being...
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well, sounds like things are going well, good to hear smile
I utterly love love love that movie, for sure. I find it to be a quiet comedic genius at work.
And thanks! Those dreads were made over many sleepless nights.