I am bored. I hate waiting for nail polish to dry. It never takes "just 3 minutes" that's bull shit.

I am meeting up with my parents tomorrow morning for breakfast with my boyfriend Joe, he rocks out and stuff. <3 <3 heart the Joe. I am bored. I guess I'm off to bed or something.......... kiss
i finally gots a place to stay in in lawrence!
i picked up the keys today. now i just need to get all the services hooked up. moving sucks! ciao.
what is up! haven't updated in a while. I was in KC at the bars for the first time in a month or so, it was good to see everybody. yayeahhh! \m/ I heard holy diver! lol biggrin
OKay yeah I'm still semi buzzed I guess.

Anyway, today I cleaned out my apartment in downtown Kansas City Missouri. I miss that place tons. I had a KICK ASS view. THE VIEW. 7th floor, hells yeah. It was awesome. I moved to Lawrence to go to cosmetology school. Yes, my boyfriend goes to KU here (broadcasting,etc major lol) and I was driving here all...
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let me know when you get some gigs. i'd like to check it out.
This is a pic of me after drinking woodchuck. Too much woodchuck. Damn the blurry pix lol tongue
What up bitches! lol Yeah I'm getting my drunk-on at my bf's place. He's having a small party. You gals are beeee-u-tiful! Love the new sets. Sherioushly. Awesome. Lots of luv here kiss kiss love
What is up ladies? Yeah. I'm bored, suppose to jam out here in a bit smile I feel better today finally.

Is there any way to reply to somebody's comment? like when they thank me or something I can just reply so I don't have to cmment to a different entry or theirs? I'm computer tard sometimes hehe <3 <3


So minus my cold (went to the doctor today, I have an upper respiratory viral infection bascially it's a crap ass cold and coughing b.s., it sucks) so I have three days off work...........

I'm in a new band! I'm jammin once I'm un-sick lol I'll be rockin with my old geetarist and we got a drummer lady and my other friend also plays...
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thanks so much for the sweet comment bout our set!!


it was a blast shooting it!
I have a bitchin' cold. It is the sucks. Today is "80's nite" and I don't know if I'm going. I can't talk right now (sore throat) and don't want to shout over music and people.

Off to work I go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eeek
get better soon!
it took me too long to get round to saying so... but I sincerely wanted to say thank you for your sweet comment on my new set smile kiss

hope you feel better soon!!!
ouch! just banged my knee on the desk, argh. my cat is climbing on my shoulders, awwwww I feel better smile work flew by. It was snowing earlier today then it was just rain. Damn midwest weather lol one day it's hot then cold. hmm bored nothing else to say kiss
I am bored. Actually, I was bored until I got online today. I love all the new sets. Hotness. Extreme Hotness. love Anything going on Sunday (today) in Lawrence? No other Lawrence folks here eh? oh well. I'll continue to check out the ladies and rock out to some Slayer. I need to get my hair done. I got my eyebrows did lol word. miao!!
hello for you
thanks for your comment smile
kiss from france
i'm going to be in lawrence this week house hunting. lemme know if you get bored again. i'm gonna need to blow off steam after dealing with realtors and landlords. ciao.