Once again I have to give a shout out to all the beautiful women here on SG!!! So many wonderful sets in MR!
Another music visionary has crossed over to the great beyond. His lyrics were visual and very expressive. Rest In Peace!
It is a winter wonderland outside. The dogs love playing in the snow. My back didn't like all the shoveling I had to do. Over forty inches of snow. High winds and lots of drifting snow. Be safe out there!
I am blown away by all the amazing women on SG. I would make all of you front page pink if I could. Best wishes!
Rock and Roll lost a true warrior yesterday.
On August 16, 1981 I attended the 4th Golden Summernight Concert in Nuremberg, West Germany. It was an all day rock festival held at Zeppelin Field.
Motorhead was the fifth band on the bill. When they hit the stage the Germans let loose with a deafening ROAR.
As they were playing "Ace Of Spades" I was standing...
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Peace and Love to everyone.
An overload of lovely ladies here on SG. A big shout out to all the ladies sharing their beauty with us.
Back from the dead. Taking my time looking around SG. Peace and Love to everyone.
My membership expires Friday. Will I renew? I doubt it.
Here is a list of Ladies with sets in MR. Each one is unique and wonderful. They would be front page pink if I had my way. In no particular order:
Take a peek at their sets and leave them some...
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Like my father before me, I will work the land
And like my brother above me, who took a rebel stand
He was just eighteen, proud and brave, but a Yankee laid him in his grave
I swear by the mud below my feet
You can't raise a Caine back up when he's in defeat