Deanna's Road to Recovery
So.....I have been fairly depressed for the last little while and I'm fairly certain that these are the things I need to change in order to be happy again. It seems like a lot of work.
Step 1: cut james out of my life completely, erase from phone, deleted from facebook, tell him to fuck off if he tries to contact me.
Step 2: get my fat ass to the gym on a regular basis.
Step 3: don't be chickenshit to go out with new guys, and date the guys i should have dated in the first place.
Step 4: less alcohol + stop eating so much junk food
Step 5: try to keep my sarcasm and negativity to a minimum. even if i disagree with the choices a friend is making i should be supportive and keep my big mouth and personal opinions to myself.
Step 6: Speak to the bank about consolidation and start SAVING money so im not living paycheque to paycheque.
PS. i got a new tattoo, it's from a painting by camille rose garcia who is my favorite artist.

All sound like good ideas - will probably be hard but I'm with you all the way!
And re my blog comment:
OH NO YOU DIDN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I seriously screamed hahahaha.
Side Story - Today my friend John was having a serious talk with me...about him being down and he said something about "I just want to be able to look at myself in the mirror again"
I replied with:
*sing I'm talking to the man in the mirror, I'm askin him to change his ways**
If I asked you to take off your pants and dance around to that it would probably be way too inappropriate right?