Sooo another night and I am up - it's about 4am. I can't seem to sleep through a whole night and it's really making me feel like

! ugh.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)so my dental plan covered the wisdom teeth other then the anesthetic to get put to sleep, can you believe just to be put out it costs 600 dollars? seriously. ridiculous. anyway, i ended up telling them that their website sucks ( im a web/print designer) because it's horrid and i somehow managed to negotiate working the cost of that procedure into the website re-vamp cost, so score for me. so my point was i've been holding off because i have a meeting about the website on thursday so im going to ask them to take a look and see what is up when i come in. so cross your fingers that it's fixed soon, anyone with teeth pain probably knows its one of the most annoying things in the world especially when you wake up with these at 4am.
ok totally off topic but on my mind to say the least - one last question of the sexual nature. so this is a really common thing i am sure, but you are having sex with a dude and in the middle he asks "where do you want me to cum" now i get that guys like to cum on people and i do enjoy that and have no problem answering this but some guys ask this every. single. time. you have sex and it's just like can't you make up your own mind?? so guys please tell me what is the answer that you want to hear the most? and why do you ask this all the time? give me your opinions.
anddd did i mention i love my job? perks perks perks. i get free stuff. i got a free hoodie and purse last week. i took a photo in it. it has cupcakes and hearts, im a dork.

Guys ask because it can be different every single time and some, the ones who care don't want to over step your boundries.
Some guys like being told/directed/begged to cum in a certain place. You can't have sex 50 different ways and expect someone to cum in the same spot every single time (well, I guess he could if he always came inside you) like variety in positions right? Even in sexual acts in general, why not variety in the place he finishes? Depending on position doesn't it make you want different things in the end?
MIX IT UP on the wild side.
(And with that said...I'm still excited for WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE)
P.S. You look adorable in the new hoodie! Pretty eyesss!