48 hour film madness! Madness!
mjollnir - no i didn't do it last year, i seriously wonder if i'll do it again. what heat are you in? (nah i will, it was great.....oh, morning sun, very high falutin! fancy pants.... i think i saw you the other day, recognised the profile, but i thought you might be terrfified by a strange guy bounding up saying...
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the guy who was three seconds too late.

That would be 3rdegree

i think i saw you the other day, recognised the profile, but i thought you might be terrfified by a strange guy bounding up saying "i'm the rabbit, y'know, suicidegirls!

Nah, prolly not... where do you think you saw me? I do have a body double in Wellington... she has dreads though and I don't anymore. I'm real little, like just on 5 foot.

Our film went well. We got Mockumentary, I feel heaps better about it than last year. We're in group 4 I think - 8:30 Friday heat. What about you?

mandymay of the beautiful pout is on the list, go say hello - she is in my old hometown, so she probably needs cheering up.

seen mary's new set?.....jeebers!

tomorrow begins the 48hr film making madness. tonight i eat, drink, sleep and try not to think about pulling 6 to 12 sets outta my ass, with a rapidly diminishing art dept.....we pray we don't...
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Drowning's up there with me too but burning alive might be higher.
I wanted to know where I could get a chestbuster...
my neck is killing me (one hell stressful week and it's only wednesday) after 4 hours writing - i've been asked to submit my screenplay to a production company in a month. so little time, so much to do.
here's my line up for the next month:
1. finish 4th draft of screenplay
2. 48 hour film competition
3. one exhibition to deinstall
4. two...
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Well good luck with all the busy stuff.
this weekend we engage the 48 hour film competition. for those who don't know, the way it works, you register and on friday at 7pm, they give your team a genre, a line of dialogue, a character, and an object.
you have to make a 4 -7 minute movie within these limitations - it's like Dogme-lite.
this year i am with a very interesting team:...
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i am now the proud owner of a fully restored 1962 Vespa - it's red and sparkles in all the right ways. And it fit nicely on the back of my truck, once the nice young Customs official filed the right paperwork (after checking the tyres for dirty foriegn, bug infested soil BUT not the glovebox, which could have contained several ounces of uncut coke....
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Yeah well. I'm not the one that has a problem with Starbuskers. I jsut sit inside if they bother me. Yeah but it sucks that you couldn't come down. Are you gonna keep trying?
finally, my new motorbike has arrived in the country, though Customs still have it until tomorrow... then i can enjoy riding in the cold, abmyssal welly massive winter....mmm the rain lashing your helmet, your fingers freezing through the gloves, the crazy motorists cutting you off at every dangerous intersection. Can't wait.


looks like texas may have to wait. guess who forgot to check whether...
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Man that's so bogus. Still I wouldn't mind having you visit without my band playing a show. Never met anyone from New Zealand.
egad that blows. was hoping to have someone at the show that might have a chance at understanding what was going on. what kind of bike did you get? (i used to be crazy into old motorcycles back when i lived with my parents and junk)
okay, so i'm a film geek, big-big double plus, so the next couple of months are like heaven for me. what i can't wait for: Batman begins - i'm such a batman freak, i have just finished the tattoo of batman on my shoulder, the beginning of a long on-going sleeve that is fast becoming a whole upper body odyssey; batman, batgirl, catwoman, riddler, poison...
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Actually, I live about 3 hours away from Houston. You could still come see us if you'd like. I'd really like it if you would. But if it were me, i wouldn't drive 3 hours to see some dude's band that I never met. But let me know if you're still interested. Our next gig is on the 28th.
Where's your area? I'm in Aro Valley these days but I do get sun. And my new flat has a wood burner, and I have an electric blanket, so it's not too bad. Tattoo is starting to itch!
hi, well it's been a while huh?
what's been up with me? well, uh, dunno really, just been really busy - seeing a new girl, which y'know, dating takes time offa yer hands; works been busy, the gallery hums and jives; i would love to say i've been writing lots but i can't lie to ya, i haven't written in ages.
i've been thinking alot...
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I'm doing good. Glad to know you're still alive.
daylight saving end tomorrow
goodbye light and hello sorrow

go visit my friends, everyone of them. they're rad.

fact 10. my oldest brother used to hold me down and dribble spit into my face; as soon as i was big enough i pushed him down the stairs and he broke his arm.

ARRR!!! only losers resort to terrorism
I used to do that to my brother too. So how many facts are you trying to come up with?
Hey man, there's a like to a site on my journal that you can download some of our songs from. If you're interested.
I went to a 21st birthday party last night at this bar that i frequent (frequently), for this dark, intense little guy - he's a sweetheart, a beautiful fellow. The place was packed out with all his wonderful friends - goths. All light was absorbed by their clothes, except that reflected by piercings. They stood in brooding clusters, smiling despite themselves, all gorgeous in their...
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I'm only 22 and I feel that way sometimes. I think the main thing for me is not likinng any of the music going on today. I think it's because I'm aging.