my new girlfriend is away for a week, she's an actor, touring a play, and i miss her terribly; it's funny how in the early stages of a new thingy-ma-jig, they work their way under your skin without you really noticiing. she's great, and i love her - her loudness, her enthusiasm, her caring... it's a pretty exciting thing for a cynical, doomsaying, socialist like me... i remember that old positivism again.
though, this weekend was a documentary weekend for me, Control Room, The Party's Over, The Corporation... made me want to go out in that old activist mode, burning stuff...the things that got me... the US Press Liaison who was incensed at Al Jazzera showing dead US soldiers until he realised that he hadn't flinched at footage of dead Iraqi, and it made him realise that he had dehumanised the enemy...and the CEO of Interface who realised, after 25 years, that he was destroying the world and made it his companies mission to become sustainable by 2020, at the expense of profit. those guys made me want to cry, so much hope - and as a Socialist, you forget about hoping for people.
so, in the spirit, question time:
What do you hope for? Now, in five years, and in 100 years.
they mostly come at night. mostly.
though, this weekend was a documentary weekend for me, Control Room, The Party's Over, The Corporation... made me want to go out in that old activist mode, burning stuff...the things that got me... the US Press Liaison who was incensed at Al Jazzera showing dead US soldiers until he realised that he hadn't flinched at footage of dead Iraqi, and it made him realise that he had dehumanised the enemy...and the CEO of Interface who realised, after 25 years, that he was destroying the world and made it his companies mission to become sustainable by 2020, at the expense of profit. those guys made me want to cry, so much hope - and as a Socialist, you forget about hoping for people.
so, in the spirit, question time:
What do you hope for? Now, in five years, and in 100 years.

Uh no thanks on the cannabalism. I do have my limits. I just lie nibbling on girls.