Every time I see the Minoan "Ladies in Blue" fresco, I think about what an awesome tattoo it would make. But my arms are too skinny, and I'm kind of to the point where I want to stick to just filling out my upper arms for now.
I think I think about things too much.

I think I think about things too much.
1. Eat really, very, exceedingly large quantities of double-chocolate gateaux with extra whipped cream, clotted cream, custard, chopped almonds and hot fudge sauce and repeat dose every 3 hours - Multivac estimates a high probability that this course of action will afford you adequate room on your arms (and pretty much everywhere else) but may have other unexpected consequences
2. Get a T-Shirt made with Minoan "Ladies in Blue" fresco design
I appreciate that these suggestions may not be great. Indeed, in need of a second opinion, I asked FUCKUP but it simply made lots of whirring and fizzing noises followed by a strong smell of ozone at which point the blasted contraption spat out Hexagram 23 (almost taking my friggin eye out in the process) and subsequently refused to answer any other questions all day. Honestly, FUCKUP may be faster than Multivac but it seriously needs to get those Asimov circuits fixed, either that or get on one of those e-Learning Customer Service courses. Take it from me, if some guy with a Captain Nemo tattoo on his right hand hops out of a gilded submarine (with furry dice hanging from the periscope and a souped up turbo engine that sprays water everywhere) and offers to sell you a "slightly used state of the art supercomputer" just turn around call the coastguard because it just isn't worth the hassle and the friggin IT Helpline just goes straight to 'on hold' music (sounds like some kind of new age hippy tape of dolphin noises played on a loop interspersed with the occasional mad pirate cackling sound).