Best rip yet!
I am still in flux (hurhur) in how I feel about rips. On the one hand (hurhurhur), I appreciate the meaningful nature of an injury that occurs as a result of pushing one's body literally to the limits, particularly when it is achieved during a workout honoring a fallen hero. On the other hand, shredded-up palms definitely look really weird with my otherwise hyper-feminine pin-up style attire, and they also make it so I can't ever get a manicure without completely freaking out the nail tech with my gnarly man-hands.
It's worth it, though, especially when I showed it to my chiropractor (also a CrossFit cultist) and he cackled gently "bring me more." The flesh tears, but it mends, while the body grows.
Oh shit, here I am talking about exercise again. Sorry, dog.
I am still in flux (hurhur) in how I feel about rips. On the one hand (hurhurhur), I appreciate the meaningful nature of an injury that occurs as a result of pushing one's body literally to the limits, particularly when it is achieved during a workout honoring a fallen hero. On the other hand, shredded-up palms definitely look really weird with my otherwise hyper-feminine pin-up style attire, and they also make it so I can't ever get a manicure without completely freaking out the nail tech with my gnarly man-hands.
It's worth it, though, especially when I showed it to my chiropractor (also a CrossFit cultist) and he cackled gently "bring me more." The flesh tears, but it mends, while the body grows.
Oh shit, here I am talking about exercise again. Sorry, dog.
You know, because us old gunners are all about speed, over and over. I know what's a gunner? It right with what's a football?
Definitely going to try it for 30 days and chances are I will stick with it.