Great zombie Nyarlathotep, it is super-gorgeous out today!
Once I finish this blog entry, I am going to go lay out and enjoy the sunshine (with a modicum of sunscreen applied, of course). This spring the weather's been kind of cruddy here in Cackalack del Norte, so I am absolutely thrilled that it's finally starting to look like my kind of climate. I just look so much sexier with a thin layer of sweat glistening upon my collarbones.
The good mood is only further kindled by the fact that today was the last day of classes, that I spent the day at a roundtable about the curious problem that is Latino/Latina studies in today's USA, that I finally have the free time to start this, which, as PointBlank has implied, seems to be My Kind of Book (srsly, geek + Spanglish? Sign my ass up!) thus far, and that I have acquired both a Very Pretty New/Old Dress:
I'm gonna go see my man Barry next week! Awesome.
The flavor of my writing sure does change when it gets pretty outside. The lattes and loathing make way for gin and tonics, sunshine, and obnoxiously joyful bouncitude. Fortunately, my annoying positivity will be tempered by crap that I get angry about like this.
Ah, I just love to exercise that most American of values: dissent.
Anyway, I hope all y'all are having as lovely of a day as I. I'm going to make myself a g&t, slap on my skimpiest bikini, and dig into this new book. Ever upward!
Oh, and Video Voyeur is back.
Once I finish this blog entry, I am going to go lay out and enjoy the sunshine (with a modicum of sunscreen applied, of course). This spring the weather's been kind of cruddy here in Cackalack del Norte, so I am absolutely thrilled that it's finally starting to look like my kind of climate. I just look so much sexier with a thin layer of sweat glistening upon my collarbones.
The good mood is only further kindled by the fact that today was the last day of classes, that I spent the day at a roundtable about the curious problem that is Latino/Latina studies in today's USA, that I finally have the free time to start this, which, as PointBlank has implied, seems to be My Kind of Book (srsly, geek + Spanglish? Sign my ass up!) thus far, and that I have acquired both a Very Pretty New/Old Dress:
I'm gonna go see my man Barry next week! Awesome.
The flavor of my writing sure does change when it gets pretty outside. The lattes and loathing make way for gin and tonics, sunshine, and obnoxiously joyful bouncitude. Fortunately, my annoying positivity will be tempered by crap that I get angry about like this.
Ah, I just love to exercise that most American of values: dissent.
Anyway, I hope all y'all are having as lovely of a day as I. I'm going to make myself a g&t, slap on my skimpiest bikini, and dig into this new book. Ever upward!
Oh, and Video Voyeur is back.
Probably won't tell you much you don't already know about the Mayans and their Meso-american pals down south but may learn you up a think-notch or two about the Iroquois and Cherokee.