You come to my journal looking for book reviews, my observations on life, liberty, and the pursuit of wackiness, or perhaps my funny predilection for George Michael lyrics. It's a breath of fresh air on the site; I'm never asking you to check out my new second chance set lol!!
Well, there's always a first time, I suppose.
I have my Very First Community Review Set up. It wasn't rejected; I just happened to have a pervy, lo-fi idea for the self-shot contest. So, if you are so inclined, go look upon my arse in Video Voyeur.

Also, I shot a set of the delectable Miz NickiLove which has just been rejected and is up in Hopefuls. Go forth and gaze upon my inconsistent lighting and poor photography skills here!

But I know that y'all don't really care about me naked. What you're interested in is more of my periodic ramblings on Mesoamerican indigenous culture! I just started reading Xuxub Must Die, and holy fuck, it is awesome. It is probably one of the most entertaining academic books I have ever read. Highly recommended.
Well, there's always a first time, I suppose.
I have my Very First Community Review Set up. It wasn't rejected; I just happened to have a pervy, lo-fi idea for the self-shot contest. So, if you are so inclined, go look upon my arse in Video Voyeur.

Also, I shot a set of the delectable Miz NickiLove which has just been rejected and is up in Hopefuls. Go forth and gaze upon my inconsistent lighting and poor photography skills here!

But I know that y'all don't really care about me naked. What you're interested in is more of my periodic ramblings on Mesoamerican indigenous culture! I just started reading Xuxub Must Die, and holy fuck, it is awesome. It is probably one of the most entertaining academic books I have ever read. Highly recommended.
Life is pretty darn good, all things considered.
I keep meaning to tell you, but the comment you left on my set made me blush profusely. xx.
Well, Video Voyeur seems to be missing.
I assume congratulations are in order?