Okay, so it's not actually my birthday yet, but I'm just about to get on one of them fancy jet planes and don't want to have to worry about posting later tonight.
So, hey, 24. I won't be a prime number again for another five years, which will be in 2012 and of course we will all die or be transformed into space quetzals or reach the singularity or whatever.
Everybody have a great Saturnalia, though mine will be the best of all.
ADDENDUM, 1:44 PM, RDU: Or, you know, I could not be on a jet plane because of the storm. Direct all those birthday wishes to get me comfortably into JFK tonight, loves.
ADDENDUM: 1:04 AM, 17 DEC, NYC: I made it and am having a lovely fucking evening. Happy birthday to me!
Safe flight.