It's bikini season, boys and girls. (NOTE: I did alter this picture in Photoshop for artsy-fartsy purposes, but the stark tan line is fo' real.)
Not too long until the show to end all shows. I thought the Mastodon hometown apogee was sold out but apparently not; I had given my plus one to my friend John in exchange for how much I gently poke fun at him and his musical "projects" and his LARPing, but now I'm rounding up everyone I know to get them out to the ol' tabernacle, as this will probably be somewhat of a temporary farewell party from my beloved city.
Not much to say, really. Been spending a lot of time communing with the parallel world. I'll come up with another long manifesto soon enough. Hopefully this one won't be about peanuts.
Raised a glass to you at the prom, hope all is well in your hillside thickets.