With other things on my complicated, mental-health- worried mind, I completely forgot about Star-Wars day, but would like to put that right by showing you all this amazing canvas artwork I bought by a brilliant British artist called Danielle Tunstall of a Stormtrooper cleverly designed to be using an At-at as a gun. I affectionately call it Stormzy after the British grime star! Hope you...
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@nerestorm has a wonderful set out called Give Me Flowers that needs and deserves some love and respect. I appeal to all you supporters, hopefulls and fully-fledged SG's to go and support this awesome, amazing model and woman! I cannot believe that this awesome lady is still a hopefull after about 7years and we all need to rally around and help this beautiful babe become...
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@shalil has a shoot out called "Transparent Souls" that needs and deserves some love sent her way, so I appeal to you wonderful supporters, hopefuls and fully fledged SG's to get out there and give some love and support to this incredible model and woman. Hope you hear my pleads my friends! πβ€β€ xxx
If you haven't already seen it, go & check out "Big Things Come In Small Packages" by @jemjem - it's well worth a look and a lot of love! Best wishes & love to you all! Xx
With all the tension in Eastern Europe at the moment, I just want to say that I hope all our Ukrainian and Russian SG models and friends are safe and well and continue to be. Stay safe and show love to everyone xx
Happy Valentine's day all you lovely SG community! I'm not in a position to have one myself, but that doesn't mean that you all can't & I sincerely hope you do. Have a wonderful one my friends xx
Hi everyone. I've got a small confession/apology to make. I've been off-grid for the last 18 months after having, what I guess you'd call, a mental breakdown. I have a neurological disease called Multiple Sclerosis and have to use a wheelchair or walking sticks, you see, and was on the recieving end of a torrent of abuse by someone who hates disabled people (someone I've...
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I'm sending out an appeal to all you wonderful people, to check out the amazing set "Who's ur psychologist", featuring the stunning beauty of both @alenagerman & @tastyzombie. In my humble opinion, I think it is AWESOME!!! Go give it some love, people!!!
Sending out big love & appreciation to @gladyce & @black_starz for getting in touch tonight. 2 gorgeous, beautiful, strong women who made my night tonight by showing their love back to their fans. Go check out their profiles & send them some love. All the very best to you ladies! Xx