I don't usually do these but, the lovely @cripplethreat sent me this, so, here goes nothing...,
Tattoos........................just the 2 but definitely want more
Piercings..................... I did have 6, but employers made me take them out - the bastards!
Marriages.................... 0
Divorces...................... 0
Proposals.................... 0
Children....................... 0
Surgeries..................... Quite a few.., can't actually remember how many though!
Shot a gun................... No
Quit a job..................... Yes
100+miles in a car...... Not as a driver as I don't drive, but as a passenger, yes - many, many times
Hit a deer.................... I don't drive, but have been in a car that hit one - pretty gnarly!
zip lining...................... Yes
Cried over someone.... Yes
Fallen in love............... yes
Watched someone give birth... no
Watched someone die..... Yes - my grandad died in front of me from a heart attack when I was just 15 😔
Been to Canada......... no, but would love to
Ridden in an ambulance..... Yes, too many times
Visited Las Vegas....... no
Sang karaoke............. yes - badly!
Been downhill skiing....... no
Ridden on a horse....... Yes, once, and never again!!! An old girlfriend persuaded me to get on one of her horses (bare-back, knowing that I was not comfortable with horses), just to help her walk it to her paddock, then thought it would be funny to slap it on it's backside and watch me getting my bollocks crushed at high speed as it freaked out and ran down the lane!!
Stayed in a hospital..... more times than I'd like
Donated blood............. not allowed to because of illness
Ridden in the back of a police car...... Yes!
@arrow_escobar @pollyy @hideeri @ravenxaquarius @capsblazem @fredhincanada @belladonna
Thanks for the challenge, @cripplethreat and well done for getting me to do something that I wouldn't usually have done!!
@cripplethreat once for possession of weed & once to accompany a friend of mine (who was having a violent mental breakdown) to hospital to get her sectioned!
@heltyna what are you sorry for my dear?? Xx