"be patient dear, tigger will be here soon." thats what mama roo said to lil roo in an old winnie the pooh episode. as a little girl, my dad used to say that to me all the time (rip <3 i miss you more and more every day). why can't i possess the patience neccessary for good health? i have found that impatience leads to a build up of stress and uncontrollable emotion. when forced to wait, i often find myself crying at the frustration of things that, for the most part, are beyond my control. i dont feel like im a very demanding person, however sometimes i just can't tolerate the fact that someone of something cannot satisfy my demad imediately. looking back, this seems to have consistantly been an issue of mine. i just spent the past 2 hours on the phone with at&t. i swore and cried until my needs were met and the problem was solved. maybe thats not the best example because without my immature behavior i would have been charged extra money, but still i just can't seem to learn how to take a deep breath and calm down sometimes. is it because i was raised as an only child? or maybe because i have always had a boyfriend who was willing to cater to my every need? am i spoiled? patience is a virtue - just like they say. but is it something you are born with or something that can be attained? is it something that gets better with practice? is it something that can be learned? or even taught? maybe its something that each and every one of us has within us but we just dont know how to utilize it yet. hopefully someday i can learn... i guess i'll just have to WAIT until then though...
Iam not patient at all..and one of my favorite things to say is "patients is a virtue that I dont have" I dont think it appears like magic or anything but I do think that it has something to do with planning and organization. I do not like to plan or organize but When i do plan and or organize things seem to be much easier.