I just needed to post this somewhere.... I bought some leggings from american apparel. they make my ass look SO FUCKING HUGE.... I tried them on and was like WOAAAAAAAAAA
My boss also gave me this awesome egyptian cat shirt with ankh symbols on each nipple <3
and I'm going to admit I have cat issues
I think I'm moving back with my parents when I go back to mexico, wich sucks and makes me feel depressed but I don't have money at the time and I want to save... well.... more like invest as much money as I can into my designs, trying to make bigger production. Being able to plan actual professional photoshoots.... stuff like that.
I miss my cat so much, I miss my friends.... but I don't want to go back to mexico
I feel so....... I feel like I can't be myself fully back in mexico, cause people will judge you and be mean. Eugene is such a free place compared to mexico. I like being able to dress the way I want, or just like the things I like without being afraid of the way people will react or that I might not get as much customers as I would.... pfff so many things going through my mind

My boss also gave me this awesome egyptian cat shirt with ankh symbols on each nipple <3

and I'm going to admit I have cat issues

I think I'm moving back with my parents when I go back to mexico, wich sucks and makes me feel depressed but I don't have money at the time and I want to save... well.... more like invest as much money as I can into my designs, trying to make bigger production. Being able to plan actual professional photoshoots.... stuff like that.
I miss my cat so much, I miss my friends.... but I don't want to go back to mexico

esos leggins te quedaron muy bien 

Aww q bueno c q t andaba buscando bonito da nena :3